Advanced Automation Tips with Python | Selenium
Advanced Automation Tips with Python | Selenium,This post cross-published with OnePublish What's up DEV Network? In this post I want to share my automation experience from my curre...
Setting up my first OpenSource Python project
Setting up my first OpenSource Python project, Setting up an opensource python project (2 Part Series) 1 Setting up my first OpenSource Python project 2 Automating Kibana Vis...
Growing everyday episode-1(2019-11-26)
Growing everyday episode-1(2019-11-26),Dear folks, Today suddenly I think I should write down what did I learnt everyday when going to work in automation for specific or coding in ...
Get rid of chrome restore bubble popup when automate GUI test using Selenium
Get rid of chrome restore bubble popup when automate GUI test using Selenium,Have you ever been annoyed by this restore session bubble in chrome: This blog post I will show you how...
Simple automated interactions with Telegram Bots using MTProto (Pyrogram)
Simple automated interactions with Telegram Bots using MTProto (Pyrogram),Telegram is a popular IM platform that is famous for its openness. A lot of applications are being discove...
Serenity running in parallel – Serenity part 4/4
Serenity running in parallel - Serenity part 4/4,I'm back with the last part of Serenity, you can definitely check the previous parts in here: Serenity part 1 Serenity part 2 Seren...
Testing HTML5 Upload
Testing HTML5 Upload, Background A current project I am testing involves a HTML5 file upload. I had thought that the 'Browser' a file prompt would prevent me from using a Selenium ...
Python Custom CLI Guide
Python Custom CLI Guide, CLI Implementation Guide 1.Step: Create inktechs package create 'init.py' file. it should be empty, Now, create __main__.py file def main(): print('Hello! ...
Flask Boilerplate – Open-Source Apps built with automation tools
Flask Boilerplate - Open-Source Apps built with automation tools,Hello Coders, This article presents a short-list with Flask Apps and light Flask Dashboards generated using an auto...
Job automation in Linux Mint for beginners 2019
Job automation in Linux Mint for beginners 2019,Automation helps with boring and tedious work, save time and energy(Of course if you doing it right). Automation and task scheduling...
1 to 50 - MAN VS SELENIUM,With some friends we discover the game 1To50. THE GAME The game consists of a grid composed of 25 boxes, in every box there is a number from 1 to 25. Afte...
using Seleniun to login to a website part 2
using Seleniun to login to a website part 2,Today we will look at another website and decide how we would login with Selenium. Github will be our target. First you need to find a g...