CODÆRT,Code that is not art, Art that is not code. What it can be? Java: public class Oblac{String $ = $ = $ = $ = $ = '8OABABAWADMRWHWHBHBOB#BMBDW@AOADB6ABABA' + 'WADMRWHWHBHBOWB...
Recreating Digital Art (Part 1)
Recreating Digital Art (Part 1),So after some interweb perusing for blog post topics, I finally settled on an interesting topic that I thought would be fun and challenging for me t...
Use Code to Make Stuff 2: Processing (& a bit of TouchDesigner)
Use Code to Make Stuff 2: Processing (& a bit of TouchDesigner), use code to make stuff (3 Part Series) 1 Use Code to Make Stuff: p5.js 2 Use Code to Make Stuff 2: Processing (&...
The Moment I Fell In Love With Coding
The Moment I Fell In Love With Coding, My moment was in 2013, the second year of university. I had recently gotten into glitch art and I was determined to figure out how to create ...
A First Attempt at Making Art with Code
A First Attempt at Making Art with Code,To follow up on my first blog post, I wanted to learn about how to actually produce some sort of visual arts through a coding language. Afte...