Leetcode — 2942. Find Words Containing Character
Leetcode — 2942. Find Words Containing Character,It’s an easy problem with description being: You are given a 0-indexed array of strings words and a character x. Return an array ...
Leetcode — 3289. The Two Sneaky Numbers of Digitville
Leetcode — 3289. The Two Sneaky Numbers of Digitville,It’s an easy problem with description being: In the town of Digitville, there was a list of numbers called nums containing i...
Leetcode — Top Interview 150–169. Majority Element
Leetcode — Top Interview 150–169. Majority Element,It’s an easy problem with the description being: Given an array nums of size n, return the majority element. The majority elem...
Different ways to make a list in Java
Different ways to make a list in Java,Lists are really important. They add the flexibility to resize automatically when adding or removing an element. This is particularly handy wh...
Arrays in Java.
Arrays in Java., Java - Data Structures (2 Part Series) 1 Arrays in Java. 2 ArrayList In Java. Hello Everyone ! So I mentioned I will write about Java in my previous article and I ...
Shifting Arrays Left and Right with Java
Shifting Arrays Left and Right with Java, 原文链接:Shifting Arrays Left and Right with Java
Finding a minimum number in a Java Array
Finding a minimum number in a Java Array,Sometime back we were given a java assignment but I realized the concepts looked easy but some of my friends had problems implementing them...