How to run Android tests on Travis CI
How to run Android tests on Travis CI, 原文链接:How to run Android tests on Travis CI
How to use native libraries on Android
How to use native libraries on Android, 原文链接:How to use native libraries on Android
How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating
How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating, The joy of Kotlin (20 Part Series) 1 How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating 2 Better dependency ma...
How to write tests for an android app?
How to write tests for an android app?,I have an app that I built recently the repo. Its even live on the play store but I'm worried that there's not even a single test written for...
Practical guide to Dagger 2
Practical guide to Dagger 2,The post was published at my blog. If you don't have any idea about dependency injection or dagger, head over to the article link above. Keep reading if...
How to use square‘s picasso library with firebase storage
How to use square‘s picasso library with firebase storage,Recently i was migrating an app’s backend from parse to firebase. The move to firebase’s real-time database was a breez...
Fenix: A new mobile browser from Mozilla
Fenix: A new mobile browser from Mozilla, About the Project Mozilla recently created a Github repository for a brand new mobile web browser named Fenix. Not much is known about thi...
Kotlin – Is it time to switch from Java?
Kotlin - Is it time to switch from Java?,Kotlin is now official part of the Android development. But I am trying to find out if existing Android app should move to kotlin now. I am...
Implementing in-app language change
Implementing in-app language change,Android resolves language- and culture-specific resources based on the system locale setting. This is a desired behavior that makes perfect sens...
Microbenchmarking on Android
Microbenchmarking on Android,Since Kotlin becomes more and more popular, especially amongst Android developers (and it's officially supported by Google), some people decided to com...
A small experiment
A small experiment,Hi, This week I've decided to make a personal experiment. I've been developing for Android for a couple of years, always based on Java native code. That's becaus...