Desde nuestras clases hasta nuestro APK
Desde nuestras clases hasta nuestro APK, Sketchnote sobre el proceso de pasar desde nuestras clases hasta tener el APK — by Armando Picón Como Android Developers a veces pasamo...
How I Earned 2000$ with a Mobile App
How I Earned 2000$ with a Mobile App,I usually blog about .NET related topics on this blog. I got asked by a friend, why I did never blog about my mobile app, and how I earned 2000...
The funny Java vs Kotlin battle
The funny Java vs Kotlin battle,Scrolling through Twitter I found this Tweet which I kinda agree with: I went on to check out the Reddit Post spoken of. Here is my take on what I s...
Going Clean With MVP | A Guide To Model-View-Presenter On Android
Going Clean With MVP | A Guide To Model-View-Presenter On Android, Let’s face it! All of us wrote tons and tons of code inside MainActivity.java, many still do… Writing code that...
My first app for Android – day traders will love it.
My first app for Android - day traders will love it.,Beta version Help me to improve it! 原文链接:My first app for Android - day traders will love it.
Como usar el Android Navigation Component
Como usar el Android Navigation Component, Android Architecture components - Navigation Component El problema de la navegación A lo largo de los años los desarrolladores Androi...
Why Reactive Should Be Default for Mobile
Why Reactive Should Be Default for Mobile,In the early days of software, the way code was written was pretty straight forward. You would start at a single entry point in the progra...
Gain flexibility with generic shared preferences for Android
Gain flexibility with generic shared preferences for Android,If you have landed here, you have been exposed to the hardship of keeping the Shared Preferences of Android inline. Thi...
LiveData Examples
LiveData Examples,So in Google Codelabs tutorial, Live observers are mentioned for passing data from the database to your activity. You are shown how to do 1 version of LiveData, w...
My First Published App (part 2)
My First Published App (part 2), about For those reading this and not having read part 1, this is just a compilation of my personal experiences programming and publishing my first ...
How to run Android tests on Travis CI (update)
How to run Android tests on Travis CI (update), 原文链接:How to run Android tests on Travis CI (update)