import * 을 쓰지 말아야 할 또 하나의 이유
import * 을 쓰지 말아야 할 또 하나의 이유,import * (wildcard import)는 가급적 쓰지 말라고 얘기한다. 일일이 import 하면 명확히 내가 뭘 갖다 쓰는지 알 수 있고, 엉겹결에 의도치 않은 ...
Build an E-commerce Store App like Souq.com for Android
Build an E-commerce Store App like Souq.com for Android,Many developers want to know how to create an e-commerce store app, and so am I. Therefore, I have decided to build an E-com...
Java vs Python a Simple Comparison Part-1
Java vs Python a Simple Comparison Part-1, java (2 Part Series) 1 Java vs Python a Simple Comparison Part-1 2 Java vs Python a Simple Comparison Part-2 INTRODUCTION Java and Python...
Build an Android app with web techs
Build an Android app with web techs, Let's build something! (3 Part Series) 1 Build a browser extension with Svelte 2 Build an Android app with web techs 3 Build a desktop app with...
Android Java GRPC Tutorial
Android Java GRPC Tutorial,This tutorial is to show you the basic set up to get GRPC working with an Android app using Java as the primary language. Prerequisites https://develope...
Integrating Push Notifications with Firebase Java API
Integrating Push Notifications with Firebase Java API, Integrating Push Notifications with Firebase Java API Firebase is one of the most versatile app development platforms availab...
Alert Dialog in Android
Alert Dialog in Android,A dialog is a small window that pops up on the screen and prompts the user to make a decision before they continue with their action. Think of it as a pop u...
Java HashMap
Java HashMap,In this tutorial, I will present you about the Java HashMap class and its various operations with the help of examples. The HashMap class of the Java collections' fram...
A crash course in classpaths: Build
A crash course in classpaths: Build,The cover image represents Gradle's class loader hierarchy. Welcome to part 2 in my series on classpaths and class loading in Gradle projects. I...
De advogada a desenvolvedora de software
De advogada a desenvolvedora de software,Alerta textão…. Mentira, prometo que não vai ser tão longo assim =) Minha trajetória na área de tecnologia é bem curta, até agora. ...
An easy way to collect crash reports in our Android libraries
An easy way to collect crash reports in our Android libraries, Dev Tools (3 Part Series) 1 Debugging Mobile Events: Open Source Debugger Tool 2 How we create and manage a ReasonML ...