️ Data Scientist— 12 Steps From Beginner to Pro
️ Data Scientist— 12 Steps From Beginner to Pro,12 steps for those looking to build a career in Data Science from scratch. Below there is a guide to action and a scattering of ...
Creating an Exploratory Data Analysis Report with Pandas-Profiling
Creating an Exploratory Data Analysis Report with Pandas-Profiling,Data Scientists and Analysts usually spend some time to get to know the data they are going to work on by doing e...
Product Hunt 2020 Analysis
Product Hunt 2020 Analysis, Analysis of products launched on Product Hunt in 2020 Product Hunt provides an API to programmatically consume data from their website. If you are...
Why you should start using short URLs in your posts
Why you should start using short URLs in your posts, When you're looking at social media posts, people are sharing many URL's, blog posts, etc... But I feel that people forget to a...
Reading and Manipulating Your Dataset With Pandas (2)
Reading and Manipulating Your Dataset With Pandas (2), Data Science With Python: Where And How To Start (4 Part Series) 1 Reading and Manipulating Your Dataset With Pandas 2 Readin...
Pushing Prometheus metrics with pushgateway
Pushing Prometheus metrics with pushgateway, Preface This post is generally about pushing metrics in pushgateway, however, I will warn you and admit right away that the text will c...
An analysis of the $82 million eBay Scalping Market for Xbox, PS5, AMD, and NVIDIA
An analysis of the $82 million eBay Scalping Market for Xbox, PS5, AMD, and NVIDIA, Similar to many others, I am eager to get my hands on some of the new tech that's come out, spec...
Pandas tools you didn’t know you needed, part 1: Apply
Pandas tools you didn’t know you needed, part 1: Apply, Pandas level up (3 Part Series) 1 Pandas tools you didn't know you needed, putting it together: groupby+from_records 2 Pand...
What’s Wrong With Python Pandas?
What’s Wrong With Python Pandas?,Watch out for these problems, or raise issues and fix them! Complex data and use-cases lead to complex problems. In my previous blog, I nudged you...
Relationship Autopsy: A Story of Unrequited Love as Told By a Computer
Relationship Autopsy: A Story of Unrequited Love as Told By a Computer,Originally published on andcomputers.io Happy Beginnings Once upon a time I met somebody. We texted all. damn...