Programming Update May-July 2022
Programming Update May-July 2022,I started working my way back towards spending more time programming as the summer started (in between getting re-addicted to CDProjektRed’s Gwent...
Day 2: Enough with e-ink, let’s try TFT Gizmo
Day 2: Enough with e-ink, let's try TFT Gizmo, Generative Art with Processing and Circuit Playground Express (5 Part Series) 1 Generative art with Processing and working with Circu...
Generative art with Processing and working with Circuit Playground Express
Generative art with Processing and working with Circuit Playground Express, Generative Art with Processing and Circuit Playground Express (5 Part Series) 1 Generative art with Proc...
Quick Maker Project – Counting down 20s while you wash your hands with Circuit Playground Express
Quick Maker Project - Counting down 20s while you wash your hands with Circuit Playground Express, (Note: This is a x-post from Coding Grace) This project was during the 'you bette...
My Maker Project – Print your own adventure game
My Maker Project - Print your own adventure game,(Note: Can't embed Flickr videos anymore, so I've replaced with links to videos instead.) I've been meaning to keep a blog about th...
Connect an Adafruit PyBadge to Wi-fi
Connect an Adafruit PyBadge to Wi-fi, PyBadge Wi-Fi This post contains instructions on how to get an Adafruit PyBadge connecting to Wi-Fi using an Adafruit Airlift FeatherWing. The...