How to Configure GitHub Actions CI for Python Using Poetry on Multiple Versions
How to Configure GitHub Actions CI for Python Using Poetry on Multiple Versions, Python Development (3 Part Series) 1 Getting Started with Python: Creating a Hello World Project Us...
Add Continuous Integration to GitHub Repo
Add Continuous Integration to GitHub Repo,For this part of the work, CI (Continuous Integration) pipeline was applied in my GitHub opensource project, TextHTMLPress. In general, CI...
Github Actions – Introdução com Java
Github Actions - Introdução com Java,Github Actions nos permite automatizar, customizar e executar workflows do desenvolvimento de software diretamente no repositório do projeto...
Maven Build in < 20 lines of yaml
Maven Build in < 20 lines of yaml , Maven Tips (2 Part Series) 1 Maven Build in < 20 lines of yaml 2 Default Maven and Java settings per project GitHub Actions makes it easy ...
Redraw a masterpiece with mosaic pictures
Redraw a masterpiece with mosaic pictures,Today, my brilliant intern @nispeon finished a small project I imagined last year: redraw a masterpiece with mosaic pictures. Explanation ...
Auto-update pre-commit hooks with GitHub Actions
Auto-update pre-commit hooks with GitHub Actions, Pre-commit hooks are great to reduce the feedback loop for things like linting and auto-formatting. Git supports them out of the b...
Splitting your Actions in Rasa
Splitting your Actions in Rasa,Rasa is an amazingly flexible open source system for building conversational chat bots. You can quite literally have the basic out-of-the-box bot wor...