PyTorch Day 02: PyTorch Tensors Basics
PyTorch Day 02: PyTorch Tensors Basics, Table of Contents Introduction Understanding Tensors 2.1. What is a Tensor? 2.2. Tensor Attributes 2.2.1. Shape 2.2.2. Data Type (dtype) 2.2...
PyTorch Day 01: Introduction to Deep Learning and PyTorch
PyTorch Day 01: Introduction to Deep Learning and PyTorch, Table of Contents Introduction Overview of Deep Learning 2.1. What is Deep Learning? 2.2. Applications of Deep Learning 2...
FastAPI + Uvicorn = Blazing Speed: The Tech Behind the Hype
FastAPI + Uvicorn = Blazing Speed: The Tech Behind the Hype, What is Uvicorn? Answer: Uvicorn is a very fast ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) server built on uvloop and...
Python’s Unstoppable Rise, Dominating The Modern Backend Environment
Python's Unstoppable Rise, Dominating The Modern Backend Environment, Introduction This field of backend development has shown a remarkable transformation over the past decade, wit...
Web Scraping Tutorial: Extract Data from Websites Using Python
Web Scraping Tutorial: Extract Data from Websites Using Python,Web scraping is a powerful tool for extracting data from websites, and with Python, you can automate this process eff...
Web Scraping and Parsing HTML in Python with Beautiful Soup
Web Scraping and Parsing HTML in Python with Beautiful Soup,The internet has an amazingly wide variety of information for human consumption. But this data is often difficult to acc...
Top 25+ Must-Read Productivity Articles for Everyone.
Top 25+ Must-Read Productivity Articles for Everyone., 1. 10 Ways Developers Can Boost Productivity with ChatGPT Website: http://dev-resources.site/topic/productivity/... Published...
Building an Anemia Detection System Using Machine Learning
Building an Anemia Detection System Using Machine Learning , Machine Learning in Anemia Detection: A Force for Healthcare In healthcare, powerful allies we need - and machine learn...
What is Machine Learning? A Beginner’s Guide
What is Machine Learning? A Beginner’s Guide, From Data to Decisions: ML Explained (2 Part Series) 1 What is Machine Learning? A Beginner’s Guide 2 Getting Started with Python fo...
Docker in development: Episode 3
Docker in development: Episode 3,The last episode was about dockerizing our Ruby on Rails app. In this episode, we’ll be exploring how to perform everyday tasks in our containers....
Explanation of the syntax `df[‘column’] = expression` in pandas
Explanation of the syntax `df['column'] = expression` in pandas,The syntax df['column'] = expression in pandas is used to create, modify, or assign values to a column in a pandas D...