Effective Java! Favor the Use of Standard Functional Interfaces
Effective Java! Favor the Use of Standard Functional Interfaces, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective ...
gitlab自动定时备份文件,备份失败发送邮件,一、需求 为预防gitlab出现故障,每天定时备份,备份完成后把之前的备份文件删除,备份成功或失败的时候自动发送邮件提醒,这里的gitlab为docker部署...
Tascalate Concurrent – Filling the Gaps in CompletableFuture API (Part 1)
Tascalate Concurrent - Filling the Gaps in CompletableFuture API (Part 1),Tascalate Concurrent library provides an implementation of the CompletionStage interface and related class...
Python笔记三之闭包与装饰器, 本文首发于公众号:Hunter后端 原文链接:Python笔记三之闭包与装饰器 这一篇笔记介绍 Python 里面的装饰器。 在介绍装饰器前,首先提出这样一个需求,我想统计某...
The human toll of log4j maintenance
The human toll of log4j maintenance,BY NOW, most of the internet knows about the famous Log4Shell exploit, and if you don't, it's easy to get a sense of how disastrous it's been. T...
SOAP Microservices with Spring Boot, Part 1 using Apache CXF
SOAP Microservices with Spring Boot, Part 1 using Apache CXF,This is the first part of a series of articles where we build a SOAP microservice with Spring Boot using several librar...
【Playwright+Python】系列教程(一)环境搭建及脚本录制,一、前言 看到这个文章,有的同学会说: 六哥,你为啥不早早就写完python系列的文章。 因为有徒弟需要吧,如果你也想学自学,那这篇文...
PERFORMANCE OF JVM VS NATIVE VS THE WORLD,Lately I was trying to understand how virtual memory works and how JVM work and perform. My intuition was ' if a JVM is written in C, it i...
手把手教你在 Windows 环境中搭建 MQTT 服务器
手把手教你在 Windows 环境中搭建 MQTT 服务器, 前言 前些天要对接一家硬件商的设备数据,对方使用的 MQTT 协议点对点透传,所以又赶紧搭建 MQTT 服务器,写 .NET 程序接收数据等等,今天分享一...
Leet Code – Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array
Leet Code - Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array,**`Given an integer array nums sorted in non-decreasing order, remove the duplicates in-place such that each unique element appears ...
The Importance of Java Data Crawling for Intelligent Applications and A Guide to Java Data Crawling
The Importance of Java Data Crawling for Intelligent Applications and A Guide to Java Data Crawling, 1. The Importance of Data Crawling in Modern Applications Data crawling is the ...