SPA with Springboot+JWT+Vue.js+Web socket
SPA with Springboot+JWT+Vue.js+Web socket,Hello people. I have created a web forum. You can see it here: https://github.com/lechatthecat/JavaChatSPA What is this? This is a Single ...
Do you know what is queue data-structure ?
Do you know what is queue data-structure ?, What is Queue? Queue is a one of the very important data structure as it is used in various applications. If you are from compute...
Its not a Swiss Army Knife – Single Responsibility Principle
Its not a Swiss Army Knife - Single Responsibility Principle, SOLID principles (5 Part Series) 1 How SOLID is your code? - Introduction 2 Its not a Swiss Army Knife - Single Respon...
Solution: Divide Two Integers (ver. 1)
Solution: Divide Two Integers (ver. 1), Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 more parts... 3 Leetcode Sol...
How SOLID is your code? – Introduction
How SOLID is your code? - Introduction, SOLID principles (5 Part Series) 1 How SOLID is your code? - Introduction 2 Its not a Swiss Army Knife - Single Responsibility Principle 3 I...
Build an Android app with web techs
Build an Android app with web techs, Let's build something! (3 Part Series) 1 Build a browser extension with Svelte 2 Build an Android app with web techs 3 Build a desktop app with...
How to use Circuit Breaker in a Spring Boot Application
How to use Circuit Breaker in a Spring Boot Application,In this post, I will show how we can use the Circuit Breaker pattern in a Spring Boot Application. When I say Circuit Breake...
How To Create a Dictionary In Java
How To Create a Dictionary In Java, What Is A Java Dictionary? The ORACLE definition is as follows: 'The Dictionary class is the abstract parent of any class, such as Hashtable, wh...
Vim Modular Com Java, Kotlin e Go
Vim Modular Com Java, Kotlin e Go,Para quem curte usar VIM, deixei o meu mais modular e vem pre configurado para Golang, Kotlin e Java além de NERDTree e algumas coisinhas a mais....
Run MongoDB Atlas locally for testing
Run MongoDB Atlas locally for testing,What happens to your MongoDB replica set when it comes to failures like network partitioning, restarting, reconfiguration of the existing topo...
สร้าง java project เล็กๆด้วย Gradle
สร้าง java project เล็กๆด้วย Gradle,ถ้าอยากรันโค้ด Java และมี dependencies ต่างๆด้วย ตอนนี้ทำได้ง่ายๆด้วย Gradle ตั...
Solution: Validate Stack Sequences
Solution: Validate Stack Sequences, Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 more parts... 3 Leetcode Solutio...