Stable CI/CD is not a Myth, From Nexus-Jenkins to Github Packages-Actions
Stable CI/CD is not a Myth, From Nexus-Jenkins to Github Packages-Actions,This article provides an overview and learnings about why migration from own hosted CI/CD to SaaS CI/CD, i...
JDK, JVM, JRE para que serve ?
JDK, JVM, JRE para que serve ?, JVM (JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE) Java(codigo fonte) -> compilador(javac) -> bytecode -> JVM = executar Quando passado o bytecode para a Java virt...
Kubernetes for Java Developers – Deploy Application
Kubernetes for Java Developers - Deploy Application, Java Kubernetes (4 Part Series) 1 Kubernetes for Java Developers - Setup 2 Kubernetes for Java Developers - Creating a docker i...
聊一聊 C#中有趣的 SourceGenerator生成器
聊一聊 C#中有趣的 SourceGenerator生成器,一:背景 1. 讲故事 前些天在看 AOT的时候关注了下 源生成器,挺有意思的一个东西,今天写一篇文章简单的分享下。 二:源生成器探究之旅 1. 源生成器...
Boas práticas ao usar Lambda e classe anônima em Java
Boas práticas ao usar Lambda e classe anônima em Java,Já faz algum tempo que venho falando sobre classes locais, classes anônimas e expressões lambdas. O que são, como usar e...
[Série do Instagram – Primeiros passos como backend] Lógica de Programação
[Série do Instagram - Primeiros passos como backend] Lógica de Programação,Olar, recentemente iniciei uma série de posts no instagram com conteúdos e dicas de estudos para qu...
Thinking in Java: Learn React and React Hooks with Java Code
Thinking in Java: Learn React and React Hooks with Java Code ,As a long-time Java developer, it took me a while to understand some of the magics behind React. This post is my attem...
Implementing java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue
Implementing java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue,(The post is originally posted on yiksanchan.com.) java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue (j.u.c.ArrayBlockingQueue from here ...
Hibernate – Dirty Check
Hibernate - Dirty Check, What is 'Dirty Check'? 🤔 Hibernate checks the entity objects that are in the 'managed' status, that is, they have been added to the persistence context. W...
How to stop naming Java classes with the “Manager” suffix
How to stop naming Java classes with the 'Manager' suffix,Everywhere you look in a Java application, there are classes named SomethingManager. The account cache has an AccountCache...
Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Questions in sequence || DS & Algo Questions for Practice of all types
Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Questions in sequence || DS & Algo Questions for Practice of all types,All the Questions listed here is in sequence to build your interest i...
AOT漫谈专题(第六篇): C# AOT 的泛型,序列化,反射问题
AOT漫谈专题(第六篇): C# AOT 的泛型,序列化,反射问题,一:背景 1. 讲故事 在 .NET AOT 编程中,难免会在 泛型,序列化,以及反射的问题上纠结和反复纠错尝试,这篇我们就来好好聊一聊相关的处...