Java JVM(内存结构,垃圾回收,类加载,内存模型)
Java JVM(内存结构,垃圾回收,类加载,内存模型),一、JVM 主要功能 1. 什么是 jvm? JVM(Java Virtual Machine):负责运行 Java 程序的核心组件。它将 Java 字节码(.class 文件)解释或编...
开源 – Ideal库 – Excel帮助类,ExcelHelper实现(四)
开源 - Ideal库 - Excel帮助类,ExcelHelper实现(四),书接上回,前面章节已经实现Excel帮助类的第一步TableHeper的对象集合与DataTable相互转换功能,今天实现进入其第二步的核心功能ExcelHel...
Introducing MobileUI
Introducing MobileUI,After almost 10 years of research and 1.5 years of development, our team is proud to announce our first public release of MobileUI (0.4.1), a new software fram...
.NET神器:轻松实现数字转大写金额的秘籍与示例代码, 概述:.NET中实现数字转大写金额可通过现有库或自定义方法。自定义方法示例使用递归将数字分段转换为中文大写金额,处理了千、百、...
Access Modifiers in Java: The Ultimate Gatekeepers
Access Modifiers in Java: The Ultimate Gatekeepers,Hey there, I am back with another exciting java topic! Are you ready to take your coding skills to the next level? Today, we’re ...
C#/.NET/.NET Core 学习、工作、面试指南
C#/.NET/.NET Core 学习、工作、面试指南,现如今网上关于Java、前端、Android、Golang...等相关技术的学习资料、工作心得、面试指南一搜都是一大把,但是咱们C#/.NET的相关学习资料、工作心得、...
Kotlin Coroutines Guide
Kotlin Coroutines Guide,This is a deep dive into Kotlin Coroutines and non-blocking concurrent programming https://kotlinexpertise.com/kotlin-coroutines-guide/ 原文链接:Kotlin Cor...
Why is the name of the language, ‘Clojure’?
Why is the name of the language, 'Clojure'?,Many who did not seek the 'history' thinks: Did you pick the name based on starting with the word 'closure' and replacing the 's' with '...
ShardingSphere’s Metadata Loading Process
ShardingSphere’s Metadata Loading Process, Overview Metadata is the data that constitutes the data. In database terms, any data that describes the database is metadata. Column nam...
Effective Java: Implement Serializable With Great Caution
Effective Java: Implement Serializable With Great Caution, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java T...
可测试,可维护,可移植:上位机软件分层设计的重要性, 互联网中,软件工程师岗位会分前端工程师,后端工程师。这是由于互联网软件规模庞大,从业人员众多。前后端分别根据各自需求发展不一样的...