import * 을 쓰지 말아야 할 또 하나의 이유
import * 을 쓰지 말아야 할 또 하나의 이유,import * (wildcard import)는 가급적 쓰지 말라고 얘기한다. 일일이 import 하면 명확히 내가 뭘 갖다 쓰는지 알 수 있고, 엉겹결에 의도치 않은 ...
Deploying Angular application inside Spring Boot
Deploying Angular application inside Spring Boot,Imagine scenario: you just developed frontend application written in Angular and powered by Spring Boot Rest API as backend. When d...
Spring boot properties file tips
Spring boot properties file tips,Setting a variable with the value of a property from .properties file (note how spring does automatic type conversion to int) @Value('${some.proper...
Hibernate Naming Strategies: JPA Specification vs Spring Boot Opinionation
Hibernate Naming Strategies: JPA Specification vs Spring Boot Opinionation,Each time we inject a dependency into our project, we sign a contract, which often has lots of hidden thi...
Refactorizar proyecto a Arquitectura Hexagonal
Refactorizar proyecto a Arquitectura Hexagonal,La Arquitectura Hexagonal es un modelo novedoso. Pero la mejor definición es Arquitectura de Puertos y Adaptores. La documentación ...
Object Design Style Guide Summary
Object Design Style Guide Summary, Object Design Style Guide (2 Part Series) 1 Object Design Style Guide Summary 2 TellDontAsk and CQRS - Object Design Guide Summary 2 How you shou...
JavaScript vs object-orientated languages: Java and C#
JavaScript vs object-orientated languages: Java and C#,Java is the first programming language I learned, and something I often used to hear about JavaScript was something akin to: ...
Benefits of Online Java Training
Benefits of Online Java Training,java is a well-structured, object-oriented programming language. It is the most preferred language to start a coding career as it has an easy learn...
Solution: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee
Solution: Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Transaction Fee, Leetcode Solutions (161 Part Series) 1 Solution: Next Permutation 2 Solution: Trim a Binary Search Tree ... 157 more...
Reading files with Java.
Reading files with Java.,Reading and Writing from & to files are another important part of any programming language. Without much history, lets learn how to Read files. Let's a...
AWS Lambda Basics: Part 2
AWS Lambda Basics: Part 2, AWS Lambda Basics (2 Part Series) 1 AWS Lambda Basics: Part 1 2 AWS Lambda Basics: Part 2 In the previous post, We explored the usage of AWS Lambda conso...
[PT-BR] Mark and Sweep e as gerações da heap
[PT-BR] Mark and Sweep e as gerações da heap,Um dos objetivos da JVM é gerenciar a memória utilizada pelos nossos sistemas. Isto é feito através de processos que são executa...