Introducing the O(1) Cryptography Project
Introducing the O(1) Cryptography Project,Cryptography is a fascinating subject at the intersection of pure math and computer science that has become nearly ubiquitous over the pas...
大厂程序员失业 8 个月后的真实写照
董宇辉曾经说过这样一段话: 你可能会一个人走一段黑夜,但是后来,别人问你的时候,你就说,“那天都是漫天星光和一路歌唱”,你不是刻意地在美化人生,你只是提醒自己,不要沉沦在逆境里。 对...
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP inside a Java-enabled Jupyter notebook
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP inside a Java-enabled Jupyter notebook, Introduction I have been exploring and playing around with the Apache OpenNLP library after a bi...
【Flink入门修炼】2-2 Flink State 状态
什么是状态?状态有什么作用? 如果你来设计,对于一个流式服务,如何根据不断输入的数据计算呢? 又如何做故障恢复呢? 一、为什么要管理状态 流计算不像批计算,数据是持续流入的,而不是一个...
Jackson JSON parsing top-level map into records
Jackson JSON parsing top-level map into records,Java 14 added the record type and Jackson JSON works great with them. I hit an edge case where I needed to parse a JSON structure wh...
Python 在Excel单元格中应用数据条
Python 在Excel单元格中应用数据条,在Excel中添加数据条是一种数据可视化技巧,它通过条形图的形式在单元格内直观展示数值的大小,尤其适合比较同一列或行中各个单元格的数值。这种表示方式可以...
Spring security, CORS and Axios!
Spring security, CORS and Axios!,Right, I was happily enjoying my day, doing awesome stuff ( not really ), when I got a message that my API was causing CORS issues! Now, I thought ...
Linux C++ 开发4 – 入门makefile一篇文章就够了
Linux C++ 开发4 - 入门makefile一篇文章就够了, 1. make 和 Makefile 1.1. 什么是make? 1.2. 什么是Makefile? 1.3. make 与 Makefile的关系 2. Makefile的语法 2.1. 基本语法 2.2. 变量 2.3. ...
Best IDEs for Web Development
Best IDEs for Web Development,Editing HTML and CSS code should be possible with no particular devices. Truth be told, in the event that you have a straightforward content tool, you...
Quartz.NET配置文件:简便任务调度,轻松管理, 概述:Quartz.NET是一个强大的任务调度库,支持通过配置文件灵活配置任务和触发器。配置文件中定义了调度器、线程池、作业和触发器的相关...
101 Understanding masking and shifting
101 Understanding masking and shifting,I have interviewed countless IT professionals and am stunned that bits and bytes are foreign words to most of them. I have been with IT for a...
Windows 10 下编译 64 位 OpenJDK 8 并单步调试
Windows 10 下编译 64 位 OpenJDK 8 并单步调试,Windows 10 下编译 64 位 OpenJDK 8 软件版本 操作系统:Windows 10 Cygwin:3.5.4-1 Visual Studio:2010 英文版 freetype: 2.7 Boot JDK:7 编...