How To Handle Multiple Windows In Selenium WebDriver Using Java?
How To Handle Multiple Windows In Selenium WebDriver Using Java?,When automating any website or a web application in Selenium, you might have come across a scenario where multiple ...
Report du Chti JUG sur Quarkus du 5 Avril
Report du Chti JUG sur Quarkus du 5 Avril,Hier soir, le 5 Avril 2022, ont eu lieu deux présentations autour de Quarkus, au Ch'ti JUG Decathlon Campus à Villeneuve d'Ascq: Quarkus...
Java HashMaps:5 Important things to getting Started
Java HashMaps:5 Important things to getting Started, What is Hashing and What are Java HashMaps? When to use Java HashMaps? Application of HashMaps in DSA Problems? How to Implemen...
Understanding Loops in Java: Java for Loop
Understanding Loops in Java: Java for Loop,Years back, while I was learning Java Programming, I was stucked at learning Loops in Java. Loops sometimes, can be frustrating and diffi...
Arrays | Must-known DSA Array Techniques
Arrays | Must-known DSA Array Techniques,Webinar by Scalar and Naman Bhalla What are Arrays? *Linear Data Structure *A way to store data of the same time *Allows to get a value at ...
Merge Sorted Array
Merge Sorted Array,Problem link: https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-sorted-array/ solution video: https://youtu.be/hVl2b3bLzBw , by Striver, TakeUForward Solution: class Solution ...
Listener javaMail – Gmail
Listener javaMail - Gmail, Objetivo Após muitas buscas com certas dificuldades em encontrar bons exemplos de projeto para leitura de e-mails automatizadas com Listerner, decidi cr...
O método toString do Java
O método toString do Java,Criou uma classe maneira e na hora de mostrar o resultado com print() viu uns números estranhos? class User { private String name; private int age; User...
Getting the database url at run time
Getting the database url at run time,There is a springboot application, which connects to the oracle data. The url for the database is configured as spring.datasource.url=jdbc:orac...
Spring4Shell: Spring Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Spring4Shell: Spring Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, Spring unauthenticated RCE via classLoader manipulation Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash A critical zero-day vulnerabilit...
Vulnerabilidade do Spring e Java de março de 2022 | SpringShell ou Spring4Shell
Vulnerabilidade do Spring e Java de março de 2022 | SpringShell ou Spring4Shell,Autor: Rodrigo Tavares Introdução Afinal de contas, o que é essa vulnerabilidade do Spring Frame...
Logging Best Practices – MDC, Ingestion and Scale
Logging Best Practices – MDC, Ingestion and Scale,I don't care about religious wars over 'which logger is the best'. They all have their issues. Having said that, the worst logger...