Mybatis 拦截器实现单数据源内多数据库切换 | 京东物流技术团队
JAX-WS. A Api “Coroa” do Java. Introdução ao Soap!
JAX-WS. A Api “Coroa” do Java. Introdução ao Soap!,Como sempre, vamos voltar um pouco às origens, mas antes porque decidi escrever um artigo sobre tal tecnologia? Percebi que ...
Using IPAddress Java Library with ColdFusion to Standardize IPv4 & IPv6 Addresses
Using IPAddress Java Library with ColdFusion to Standardize IPv4 & IPv6 Addresses,Our Microsoft IIS web server is configured to accept IPv4 connections and, since 1996, we've recor...
Abstraction and Encapsulation – [OOP & Java #1]
Abstraction and Encapsulation - [OOP & Java #1], OOP & Java (15 Part Series) 1 Abstraction and Encapsulation - [OOP & Java #1] 2 Inheritance and Polymorphism - [OOP & J...
* 题目: * 1. 构建属性结构List<DemoNode> data,根据本包的data.png中数据结构图将数据存入data中(字就是nodeName) * 2. 将树形结构List<DemoNode>里面的元素全部遍历出来存放到Li...
In-memory database tests with Querydsl
In-memory database tests with Querydsl,Writing tests is an important skill of a software engineer. I used to write lots of very focused, narrow unit tests. However, I often found s...
package com.haizhi.kg.utils.vo; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Builder; import lombok.Data; import lombok.NoArgsCon...
Effective Java: Synchronize Access to Shared Mutable Data
Effective Java: Synchronize Access to Shared Mutable Data, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java T...
一款绘制3D架构图的在线神器:iCraft Editor
一款绘制3D架构图的在线神器:iCraft Editor,在软件开发的世界里,架构图是系统设计的蓝图,它们不仅帮助团队理解系统的整体结构,还能提升沟通效率,确保项目的顺利推进。然而,绘制一张清晰、...
Build a Google Home assistant with Android Things
Build a Google Home assistant with Android Things,(Note: these posts are migrated from my previous medium.com blog) After playing around with Android Things for the first time, I’...
dotnet 融合 Avalonia 和 UNO 框架
dotnet 融合 Avalonia 和 UNO 框架,开始之前先聊会背景故事 我比较看好 Avalonia 的现在和 UNO 的未来。但是我不怎么想在 Avalonia 的基础上造基础库和设施。我大概是在 2017 年的时候就参与了 ...
The joy of streams
The joy of streams,Recently, I have written a class that looked roughly like this: public class Requirement { ... public Requirement(...) { ... } public When getWhen() { ... } publ...