dev-toolbar a web developer’s best friend!
dev-toolbar a web developer’s best friend!,The dev-toolbar is a simple concept we came up with many years ago. The idea is to provide developers with a toolbelt full of tricks (sh...
“How to use email as user identifier in Django 1.11”
'How to use email as user identifier in Django 1.11', (This post was originally published on ariera.github.io) I found several guides and tips on how to do this. They were all very...
4 Useful Things in Python
4 Useful Things in Python,Just some more things that I thought of. Since my last post received some attention, I thought I write a little more about things that I came accross in P...
Why Password Length is so Important
Why Password Length is so Important,What if I told you how to make a password that is 400,000 times more secure, and easier to remember? Let me introduce you to passphrases. You ha...
A first attempt at Bitcoin trading algorithms
A first attempt at Bitcoin trading algorithms,Algorithmic trading is not a novel idea. In fact it seems to be quite a researched topic, and it's not difficult to find resources abo...
Never Give Up, Retry: How Software Should Deal with Failures
Never Give Up, Retry: How Software Should Deal with Failures, 原文链接:Never Give Up, Retry: How Software Should Deal with Failures
The Strengths and Biggest Misconceptions of Kotlin—Interview with Marcin Moskala
The Strengths and Biggest Misconceptions of Kotlin—Interview with Marcin Moskala,I was approached about attending DevFest Siberia, which is September 23-24th of this month. That s...
Design Patterns: Strategy Pattern
Design Patterns: Strategy Pattern,originally posted on my blog at henricodesjava.blog Hello world! I'm currently reading Head First Design Patterns: A Brain-Friendly Guide, and i...
What is the most confusing thing to you in Python?
What is the most confusing thing to you in Python?,Just some traps and pitfalls that took me a while to get used to in Python. List methods vs. built-in methods # sort(), sorted(),...
Sentiment analysis on Trump’s tweets using Python
Sentiment analysis on Trump's tweets using Python , 原文链接:Sentiment analysis on Trump's tweets using Python
CartPole with a Deep Q-Network
CartPole with a Deep Q-Network,In my last post I developed a solution to OpenAI Gym's CartPole environment, based on a classical Q-Learning algorithm. The best score I achieved wit...
Parsing Config Files The Right Way
Parsing Config Files The Right Way,First published on my blog Parsing configuration files is something we programmers do everyday. But are you sure you're doing it the proper way? ...