Running your JuPyTeR notebooks on the cloud
Running your JuPyTeR notebooks on the cloud, Introduction On the back of my previous share on how to build and run a docker container with Jupyter, I’ll be taking this further on ...
UpdationofIdGeneration,User Id Generation : Joseph’s team has been assigned the task of creating user-ids for all participants of an online gaming compition. Joseph has designed a...
Don’t let the shadow jar plugin shadow your application
Don't let the shadow jar plugin shadow your application,In my previous post, I shared a template for deploying a ktor application to Google App Engine. As part of this process I wa...
IdGenerationTechnique,User Id Generation : Joseph’s team has been assigned the task of creating user-ids for all participants of an online gaming compition. Joseph has designed a ...
How to create an Android App: Improving designs
How to create an Android App: Improving designs, Creating An Android App (6 Part Series) 1 How to create an Android App Part 1 2 How to create an Android App: Datepicker ... 2 more...
Move Java-project to Kotlin
Move Java-project to Kotlin,Hi all, do you have experience in converting Java-files with for instance IntelliJ to Kotlin? Would I have to make a lot of changes for having idiomatic...
Insert watermark in multiple documents and images in C# or Java
Insert watermark in multiple documents and images in C# or Java,Watermarking is a popular technique to indicate that the content in a document is confidential or information/data t...
Java Optional & Vavr Option: An essential introduction
Java Optional & Vavr Option: An essential introduction,Hi there! I would like today to discuss some essential Java topic - usage of Optional class and compare it with an alternativ...
Creating a PDF based on HTML template in Java Spring using ItextPDF
Creating a PDF based on HTML template in Java Spring using ItextPDF,Maven used <dependency> <groupId>org.jsoup</groupId> <artifactId>jsoup</artifactId>...
Java compiler error cascades… and fixing them
Java compiler error cascades... and fixing them,So you know how, when programming, in a sudden realization of the power of code reuse, you decide to merge two prior programs you wr...
Any ex-Java Gophers on dev.to?
Any ex-Java Gophers on dev.to?,If you are an experienced Java developer who used to like Java (that one is important!) and made a transition to Go - I would love you to share your ...