Connect to postgresdatabase with JAVA
Connect to postgresdatabase with JAVA,Feel free to put variables and dbConnection() in another class. import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQL...
Java Integer Cache: Why Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127) Is True
Java Integer Cache: Why Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127) Is True,In an interview, one of my friends was asked that if we have two Integer objects, Integer a = 127;...
Java Train #1 – JDK9 – Modularization
Java Train #1 – JDK9 – Modularization, Java Train (2 Part Series) 1 I want to catch the Java train 2 Java Train #1 – JDK9 – Modularization As announced here, I’m now working o...
I want to catch the Java train
I want to catch the Java train, Java Train (2 Part Series) 1 I want to catch the Java train 2 Java Train #1 – JDK9 – Modularization What? Does Java have a new release every 6 mon...
How is Python catching up with Java?
How is Python catching up with Java?,Java and Python are the world’s most popular programming languages. Both are general-purpose programming language having object-oriented featu...
Spring Data JPA Query Methods
Spring Data JPA Query Methods, Querying your Spring Data JPA Repository (6 Part Series) 1 Querying your Spring Data JPA Repository - Introduction 2 Querying your Spring Data JPA Re...
Spock Framework: Teste Java com mais produtividade
Spock Framework: Teste Java com mais produtividade,Quem já escreve testes há algum tempo deve ter percebido que, para cada funcionalidade da aplicação que queremos testar, temo...
Android Native & JavaScript Binding
Android Native & JavaScript Binding,Now a day we all know about hybrid application development. It really becomes popular it gives us power like Native Implementation without sacri...
Some Ideas are Ahead of Their Time (Java)
Some Ideas are Ahead of Their Time (Java),This won't be the most insightful post, but I'll try. A while back in the early days of Java Sun Microsystems had an awkward idea of utili...
PARENTHESES CheckerJava Program
PARENTHESES CheckerJava Program, 原文链接:PARENTHESES CheckerJava Program
Solving a MySQL Deadlock
Solving a MySQL Deadlock,A deadlock occurs when you have 2 processes that are both waiting on each other to release a lock on a resource. Imagine we have 2 threads in a Java applic...
Java Serialization Magic Methods And Their Uses With Example
Java Serialization Magic Methods And Their Uses With Example,In a previous article Everything You Need to Know About Java Serialization, we discussed how serializability of a class...