Learn c++ programming
Learn c++ programming,learn C++ programming Functions in C++ -What are Functions in C++ -Member Functions in C++ -Function Types in C++ Constructors and Destructors in C++ -Constru...
Collection vs Collections in Java
Collection vs Collections in Java,Collection Framework The Collection is the top-level interface of the Java Collection Framework. List, Queue and Set are the main sub interfaces o...
Database generic way of achieving Query Result Change Notification
Database generic way of achieving Query Result Change Notification,There's a use case in which we would like a Java application to know when a result of a SELECT query changes as a...
Help on Binary Search Trees ?
Help on Binary Search Trees ?,Any help about Data Structures ? https://stackoverflow.com/q/59959565/7227656 原文链接:Help on Binary Search Trees ?
Effective Java Tuesday! Obey the `hashCode` contract
Effective Java Tuesday! Obey the `hashCode` contract, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesda...
Java Multithreading & Concurrency Overview
Java Multithreading & Concurrency Overview,Multithreading and Concurrency in Java- Java was one of the first languages to make multithreading easily available to developers. Java h...
AndroidX, LiveData and the Observable Pattern
AndroidX, LiveData and the Observable Pattern, Android has come a loooong way I was really pleased when returning to Android development after being away for a while at how much be...
Real-World Java with Predicates and Streams
Real-World Java with Predicates and Streams,Java is a far more expressive language today than in the past. If you are still working with Java 7- idioms (whether or not you actually...
Hosting a maven repository on Github: site-maven-plugin
Hosting a maven repository on Github: site-maven-plugin,This article provides a step by step guide on publishing a maven project from GitHub using site-maven-plugin. Prerequisites ...
OpenJDK Loom and Structured Concurrency
OpenJDK Loom and Structured Concurrency,Project Loom is one of the projects sponsored by the Hotspot Group, initiated to deliver high throughput and lightweight concurrency model i...
How to write a callback function in Java
How to write a callback function in Java,This is my first article on dev.to and programming in general. I recently developed an app for my company after completion, i was trying to...