Passo a passo de como criar seu Pokedex com Spring WebFlux
Passo a passo de como criar seu Pokedex com Spring WebFlux,Oláaa neste artigo você irá aprender a criar uma aplicação de Create, Read, Update e Delete usando Spring Webflux, c...
Spring Boot : Spring Data JPA
Spring Boot : Spring Data JPA,Example of how to configure Spring Data JPA pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>sprin...
Spring Boot : JDBCTemplate
Spring Boot : JDBCTemplate,Example of how to setup Spring Boot with JDBCTeamplate pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId&...
Tracking Lines at Stores during COVID-19
Tracking Lines at Stores during COVID-19,As my first hackathon (and first post on Dev, so Hello World!), I wanted to work on something that would push me outside my normal comfort ...
Selenium C# Tutorial: Setting Up Selenium In Visual Studio
Selenium C# Tutorial: Setting Up Selenium In Visual Studio,Getting started with Selenium and C# is easy if you have the idea about connecting the right blocks for test code develop...
How difficult it is to crack interviews when switching tech stack/language?
How difficult it is to crack interviews when switching tech stack/language?,Question is majorly for backend/full-stack development. As a beginner I am willing to start in JAVA as I...
Intro to Docker 2 – Docker-compose and packaging a SpringBoot application
Intro to Docker 2 - Docker-compose and packaging a SpringBoot application,Introduction In the previous article, we saw what is Docker, how containers are useful as a new devOps tre...
Parsing JSON in Spring Boot, part 2
Parsing JSON in Spring Boot, part 2, Parsing JSON in Spring Boot (2 Part Series) 1 Parsing JSON in Spring Boot, part 1 2 Parsing JSON in Spring Boot, part 2 In Part 1, we covered s...
Spring Boot : Enable CORS
Spring Boot : Enable CORS,If you have client app running on http://localhost:4200 and it make a request to API written in Spring Boot that is running on http://localhost:8080, You ...
Complete Guide To Selenium Locators In Protractor (Examples)
Complete Guide To Selenium Locators In Protractor (Examples),While testing the functionality for your website, especially web elements such as radio button, text boxes, drop-down, ...
How to monitor remote JVM applications with `logback-webhook-appender`.
How to monitor remote JVM applications with `logback-webhook-appender`., Overview This tutorial is for anyone who is actively using logback in their JVM applications. For those who...
Static access to your Spring Beans
Static access to your Spring Beans,There are some edge cases where you want to access Spring Beans in a static method. While you should always try to refactor your code so you do n...