Part I: The Backend Using Java With Spring
Part I: The Backend Using Java With Spring, In-Depth Tutorial on Building a Modern, Full-Stack Web App (5 Part Series) 1 Part I: The Backend Using Java With Spring 2 Part II: The F...
Bleeding Edge Java – Improved Switch and local type inference
Bleeding Edge Java - Improved Switch and local type inference,Introduction Most businesses and companies using Java are still running things in either Java 7 or 8. Since March 2018...
Kotlin VS Java
Kotlin VS Java,When you think about Android development, chances are one programming language immediately springs to mind and that is Java. Ever since Google announced Kotlin as th...
How can I test whether a for loop is available in the Class?
How can I test whether a for loop is available in the Class?, How can I test whether a for loop is available in the Class? Jan 26 '20 Comments: 5 Answers: 1 0 Let me explain the us...
Traversing Graphs
Traversing Graphs,As developers, we are frequently dealing with lists, arrays, and sequence of values. But have you ever had to deal with related data, which are connected to other...
How I implemented a random word generator in java?
How I implemented a random word generator in java?,I was building an app to display random youtube videos. For the app, I needed an easy way to get a random english word. Suprising...
Spring batch – changing default data-source
Spring batch - changing default data-source,I had recently started learning Spring-Batch and followed the very first Getting started guide. The default datasource used by Spring-ba...
Names in java, maven, and gradle
Names in java, maven, and gradle, A central aspect of Java's philosophy is that names matter. Brian Goetz, Java Language Architect and author of Java Concurrency in Practice Packag...
Visualizing memory management in JVM(Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, Clojure)
Visualizing memory management in JVM(Java, Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, Clojure), Memory Management (5 Part Series) 1 Demystifying memory management in modern programming languages 2 Vis...
Stop Trying to Outsmart the Java Compiler
Stop Trying to Outsmart the Java Compiler,When Java 9 was (finally) released, it was considered a disappointment, or a disaster, depending on who you talked to. Lost among the deba...
Answer: Using PDFbox to determine the coordinates of words in a document
Answer: Using PDFbox to determine the coordinates of words in a document,I'm working on extract data from PDF files. This post helps me to determine for the coordinate position by ...