编程技术 第1386页
5 Tips for Building Your Java API-拾光赋

5 Tips for Building Your Java API

5 Tips for Building Your Java API,Designers use APIs to for everything! You assemble APIs for your very own applications to devour or as a piece of a microservices engineering. Mai...
QuestDB - fast relational time-series DB, zero GC java-拾光赋

QuestDB – fast relational time-series DB, zero GC java

QuestDB - fast relational time-series DB, zero GC java,Hi all, We have just released QuestDB open source (apache 2.0), and we would welcome your feedback. QuestDB is an open-source...
Configuring the free TLS/SSL certificates on Azure App Service-拾光赋

Configuring the free TLS/SSL certificates on Azure App Service

Configuring the free TLS/SSL certificates on Azure App Service, Free TLS/SSL certificates for Azure App Service Last month, it was announced at MS Ignite that users of Azure App Se...
Content Security Policy Jhipster (Spring Boot)-拾光赋

Content Security Policy Jhipster (Spring Boot)

Content Security Policy Jhipster (Spring Boot),Hi Everyone, today I am gonna write about CSP in JHipster or say Content Security Policy in JHipster. From now I will be writing more...
Advent of Code - Day 1-拾光赋

Advent of Code – Day 1

Advent of Code - Day 1, We solve the day 1 challenges for the Advent of Code. 原文链接:Advent of Code - Day 1
StringBuffer 밖에 모르는 사람들-拾光赋

StringBuffer 밖에 모르는 사람들

StringBuffer 밖에 모르는 사람들,자바에서 문자열을 많이 다루는데, 자바 기초부터 고급까지 반복적이거나 대량의 텍스트를 순차적이던 뭐던 복합적으로 다룰 때는 주저없이 StringBuffer를 쓴...
The Perils of Java's Object.clone() method-拾光赋

The Perils of Java’s Object.clone() method

The Perils of Java's Object.clone() method,As a Java programmer, it is sometimes noticed early on that Object.clone() exists, so you start relying on it to copy objects. It isn't a...
JSONs VS Native : A Discussion-拾光赋

JSONs VS Native : A Discussion

JSONs VS Native : A Discussion,Have been using JSONObjects and JSONArrays along with POJOs and ArraysLists and Hashmaps. When one can get data from database directly in JSON format...
Spring Boot Part 2: Static Resources-拾光赋

Spring Boot Part 2: Static Resources

Spring Boot Part 2: Static Resources,(This post has been updated at blog.hcf.dev with a later version of Spring Boot.) This series of articles will examine Spring Boot features. Th...
Logging Strategies-拾光赋

Logging Strategies

Logging Strategies,This is an explanation of the strategies we use for logging at Single Music that we have developed over the past couple years. We use careful configuration of lo...
Java Dollars-拾光赋

Java Dollars

Java Dollars,I made a pattern using the dollar symbol. 原文链接:Java Dollars
Programming Languages for 2020-拾光赋

Programming Languages for 2020

Programming Languages for 2020,It's an inquiry that is justifiably very regular among newcomers hoping to figure out how to code. With such a large number of programming languages ...