Define a protobuf message and generate Go code
Define a protobuf message and generate Go code, The complete gRPC course (16 Part Series) 1 The complete gRPC course [Protobuf + Go + Java] 2 Introduction to gRPC: why, what, how? ...
The Best Android Apps for Learning How to Code
The Best Android Apps for Learning How to Code,As a senior software developer, I’m often asked for advice on learning programming. Since I believe that the tech market always bene...
Where To Learn Java For Android App Development
Where To Learn Java For Android App Development,Android is the most popular mobile operating system (not that there are too many of them anyway) and used in a variety of devices su...
Java Maps Cheat Sheet
Java Maps Cheat Sheet,I thought I'd drop a couple of real-world examples of using the Map interface in Java, mostly because there are still a lot of old resources around that don't...
SpotBugs v4.0.0 is out!
SpotBugs v4.0.0 is out!,This week we've released SpotBugs v4.0.0. We've spent about a year to deliver this stable version, however, this version has less breaking changes. We remov...
Developing First Spring Boot Application
Developing First Spring Boot Application,Spring Boot currently support Java, Kotlin and Groovy as language preference to create an application. You can also choose Maven or Gradle ...
Spring Boot 2 with Multiple DataSources
Spring Boot 2 with Multiple DataSources, Spring Boot 2 with Multiple DataSource There are times that even having the best DataBase (PostgresSql, Oracle, MySql, .. ) Tuning can not ...
How I Created an Online Budget Report from Excel Files
How I Created an Online Budget Report from Excel Files, keikai (5 Part Series) 1 How I Created an Online Budget Report from Excel Files 2 Enable User Input in My Spreadsheet-based ...
Archetype Spring Boot
Archetype Spring Boot,Olá #devs, conheci o site recentemente através de um amigo, e estou escrevendo aqui um pequeno post sobre archetype no spring boot, esse é um tema pessoal ...
Character Counter
Character Counter,Started working on a couple new Java projects and wanted to share one of them here. This one is for a project to count the characters for another project I am doi...
Springboot vs. NodeJS
Springboot vs. NodeJS,Please note here i'm talking about monolithic application, since we all know when it comes to small and medium scale startup/company tend to get things starti...
How to learn Java
How to learn Java, Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash Quite often, I’m asked: Hey Simon, how to learn Java? Here are the top five resources I typically recommend. Happy reading....