编程技术 第1358页
Testando sistemas distribuídos: Fundamentos, conceitos e glossário-拾光赋

Testando sistemas distribuídos: Fundamentos, conceitos e glossário

Testando sistemas distribuídos: Fundamentos, conceitos e glossário,Opa pessoal, muita gente elogiou o último post [Relato] Testes atrasaram o meu projeto /s. Um dos feedbacks qu...


win10深度学习环境配置系列之Conda创建虚拟环境[非公],@ 目录 1. Anaconda的安装及换源 1.1下载地址: 1.2 换源 1.2.1生成.condarc配置文件: 1.2.2修改.condarc配置文件: 1.3 Jupyter notebook...
Python Versions and Release Cycles-拾光赋

Python Versions and Release Cycles

Python Versions and Release Cycles, Python 2 and 3 Python Version Components Python Release Cycle End Of Life Security Bugfix Feature Which Version To Use Beginners Companies Packa...
Python - Sliding Window Technique for Efficient Subarray or Substring Operations-拾光赋

Python – Sliding Window Technique for Efficient Subarray or Substring Operations

Python - Sliding Window Technique for Efficient Subarray or Substring Operations,The Sliding Window technique is valuable for solving problems involving subarrays or substrings wit...
🤔 Python Quiz: Are you formatting your snakes?-拾光赋

🤔 Python Quiz: Are you formatting your snakes?

🤔 Python Quiz: Are you formatting your snakes?, 5-min Daily Python Quiz (13 Part Series) 1 Python quiz 🤔: Can You Spot the Correct Python String Formatting? 2 🤔 Python Quiz: Are...
Spring Boot 2 正式停止维护。。再见了,Java 8!!-拾光赋

Spring Boot 2 正式停止维护。。再见了,Java 8!!

大家好,我是栈长。 没错,就在昨天,Spring Boot 2.x 停止维护了。。 Spring Boot 最后一个 2.x 的版本 2.7.x 已经停止维护,3.0.x 也停止维护了,商业支持的版本也只有 2.6.x 了,2.5.x 以下...


Idea技巧-Postfix Completion 在idea中可以使用.xxx进行后缀补全 比如.sout 如何自定义后缀补全? 比如.log 在idea中打开设置 File | Settings | Editor | General | Postfix Completion 这里定...


1 什么是SPI SPI 全称Service Provider Interface。面向接口编程中,我们会根据不同的业务抽象出不同的接口,然后根据不同的业务实现建立不同规则的类,因此一个接口会实现多个实现类,在具体调...
Creating API Actions in Django Rest Framework-拾光赋

Creating API Actions in Django Rest Framework

Creating API Actions in Django Rest Framework,A few weeks back, my R&D manager asked me to create a Python package that would eventually evolve into a standalone web service. W...
大道至简-Shopify 构建弹性支付系统的 10 条原则-拾光赋

大道至简-Shopify 构建弹性支付系统的 10 条原则

0 大纲 Lower the Timeouts, and Let the Service Fail Early Add Circuit Breakers Capacity Planning Add monitoring and alerting Implement Structured Logging Use Idempotency Keys Be Co...
Selenium WebDriver: how to handle iframes-拾光赋

Selenium WebDriver: how to handle iframes

Selenium WebDriver: how to handle iframes,Handling iframes in Selenium WebDriver often requires special attention due to their isolated environments. Learn why conventional Seleniu...
Java Tech Popularity Index Q4/2023-拾光赋

Java Tech Popularity Index Q4/2023

Java Tech Popularity Index Q4/2023, TL;DR Developer job ads dipped 30% in 2023. Monthly Stack Overflow questions dropped 42% since ChatGPT, with JavaScript at -56% and Python at -5...