编程技术 第1341页
List of great Trainings for a Java/Typescript Developer-拾光赋

List of great Trainings for a Java/Typescript Developer

List of great Trainings for a Java/Typescript Developer, Certified Scrum Master AWS CDA Oracle Java Developer iSAQB Architecture Foundation Level 1 TDD based Framework Training, e....
ElasticSearch Parallel Pagination by Kafka-拾光赋

ElasticSearch Parallel Pagination by Kafka

ElasticSearch Parallel Pagination by Kafka,By Using Kafka we can easily horizontally scale our application to do asynchronous pagination in ElasticSearch. Let’s say you have an El...
Java Lambda expression-拾光赋

Java Lambda expression

Java Lambda expression, Overview Java Lambda implemented in version 8 is a function that a definition of a method can be described as an expression. Before Java8 Programmers must h...
Method Reference-拾光赋

Method Reference

Method Reference,Java8 has a function named 'Method Reference' that points to a method. Before Java8 It needed to create an object, which implements an interface, to refer a method...
[Série do Instagram - Primeiros passos como backend] Lógica de Programação-拾光赋

[Série do Instagram – Primeiros passos como backend] Lógica de Programação

[Série do Instagram - Primeiros passos como backend] Lógica de Programação,Olar, recentemente iniciei uma série de posts no instagram com conteúdos e dicas de estudos para qu...
My first post in dev community-拾光赋

My first post in dev community

My first post in dev community,class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println('Hello, World! This is my first post on dev community'); } } 原文链接...
Useful Java KeyStore Keytool Commands-拾光赋

Useful Java KeyStore Keytool Commands

Useful Java KeyStore Keytool Commands, Create Self-Signed Sertifika and KeyStore >keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password -valid...
How To Parse JSON In Java?-拾光赋

How To Parse JSON In Java?

How To Parse JSON In Java?,In this article we will see, how to parse JSON in java. We will be using the JSON Libraries like JSON-java, GSON and json-simple JSON stands for JavaScri...
Build, compile, run: A crash course in classpaths-拾光赋

Build, compile, run: A crash course in classpaths

Build, compile, run: A crash course in classpaths,I call it my 'Gradle apprenticeship.' One job ago, I spent a year working at Gradle, and had direct access to some of the Greatest...
How I fixed java.io.IOException: Broken Pipe in Java (Wildfly 10.1)-拾光赋

How I fixed java.io.IOException: Broken Pipe in Java (Wildfly 10.1)

How I fixed java.io.IOException: Broken Pipe in Java (Wildfly 10.1), Preview My first path crossed with Broken Pipe issue was when I was gazing at the logs of a software I was work...
Insert Header and Footer to Word using Java-拾光赋

Insert Header and Footer to Word using Java

Insert Header and Footer to Word using Java,Headers and footers are sections that appear in the top/ bottom margin of a Word document. They are usually used to add additional infor...
How would you design a tiered plan backend?-拾光赋

How would you design a tiered plan backend?

How would you design a tiered plan backend?,Hello everybody, i want to learn about a plan based access and rate limiting of rest services. How would you design this system with spr...