C-17.其他数据日志 在之前的数据库事务的章节中,已经讲过,redo log和undo log。 对于线上数据库应用系统,突然遭遇数据库宕机怎么办?在这种情况下,定位宕机的原因就非常关键。我们可以查看...
Java Memory Leak for JDBC
Java Memory Leak for JDBC, The Context I had written an engine using a custom ClassLoader. To do that just create a new URLClassLoader, load a jar and execute what code you want, t...
C# 布尔值和条件语句:入门指南和实用示例
C# 布尔值和条件语句:入门指南和实用示例,C# 布尔值 在编程中,通常需要一个只能有两个值之一的数据类型,比如: 是 / 否 开 / 关 真 / 假 为此,C# 有一个 bool 数据类型,可以取 true 或 fal...
Documenting your API with Swagger 2
Documenting your API with Swagger 2, So after having built our API and then secured it, we will now document it to allow others to use it more easily. To do that, we will implement...
Java异常类型,一、异常体系架构 1.1 体系图解 1.2 Exception & Error Exception 表示程序可以处理的异常情况,通常是由于程序逻辑错误或运行时问题引起的,比如NullPointException、IOExcep...
Software Architecture
Software Architecture, Introduction In this article, I will try to explain what architecture and clean architecture is, and architecture's role in projects. Examples of web archite...
Java智能之Spring AI:5分钟打造智能聊天模型的利器
前言 尽管Python最近成为了编程语言的首选,但是Java在人工智能领域的地位同样不可撼动,得益于强大的Spring框架。随着人工智能技术的快速发展,我们正处于一个创新不断涌现的时代。从智能语音...
Java VS Go
Java VS Go, At my current job we are going to make a big project that will have a lot of requests from all the country. We don't know if Go is better than Java with Spring for this...
C# 线程本地存储 为什么线程间值不一样
C# 线程本地存储 为什么线程间值不一样,一:背景 1. 讲故事 有朋友在微信里面问我,为什么用 ThreadStatic 标记的字段,只有第一个线程拿到了初始值,其他线程都是默认值,让我能不能帮他解答一...
Spring Boot banner
Spring Boot banner, Usually when you start a Spring Boot application you have something like this in your console output : . ____ _ __ _ _ /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __ __ _ \ \ \ \ ( ...
Tips for Writing Effective Cron Job Time Patterns and Managing Time Zones
Tips for Writing Effective Cron Job Time Patterns and Managing Time Zones, 1. Introduction to Cron Job Time Patterns Cron jobs operate on predefined schedules, known as Cron time p...
How to open a new Activity in a Android App
How to open a new Activity in a Android App,Hello ! I’m Xavier Jouvenot and in this small post, we are going to see how to open a new Activity in a Android App. Self promotion: Yo...