技术总是在不断更新变化的,尤其是在IT编程领域。 有时候我们理所当然的用着现成的框架,以至于用的太过于顺手,更要时不时的骂一句: 什么垃圾框架?我家狗都不会用! 如果那些被拍死在沙滩的...
Exploring What’s Inside java.util.concurrent Package (Part 2)
Exploring What’s Inside java.util.concurrent Package (Part 2), The above image shows the interfaces that are included in the java.util.concurrent.locks package. In Part 1 of this ...
重磅!字节发布扣子应用 IDE,一站式开发各种复杂 AI 应用,强的离谱!!
重磅!字节发布扣子应用 IDE,一站式开发各种复杂 AI 应用,强的离谱!!,前言 大家好,我是R哥。 随着 ChatGPT 的火爆全网,AI 这几年迎来爆发式增长,国内 AI 也遍地开花,各大厂也开始卷 AI ...
Functional Programming in Java, Explained
Functional Programming in Java, Explained, If you’re a Java developer, I’m sure that you have seen code similar to the featured image snippet above at least once. The code in the...
Let the compiler do the work for you!
Let the compiler do the work for you!,Recently I came across a little programming puzzle, the task was to take a binary search tree and return a new tree, where every node is repla...
一个 WPF + MudBlazor 的项目模板(附:多项目模板制作方法)
一个 WPF + MudBlazor 的项目模板(附:多项目模板制作方法), 最近做了几个 WPF + MudBlazor 的小东西,每次从头搭建环境比较繁琐,然鹅搭建过程还没啥技术含量,索性就直接做了个模板,方便以后...
Swagger IU with Spring using Intellij Idea and Weblogic
Swagger IU with Spring using Intellij Idea and Weblogic,First, we need to download the open api generator from openapi_gen Is needed to create two files the Swagger definition and ...
JWT详解,JWT简介 1.什么是JWT 在介绍JWT之前,我们先来回顾一下利用token进行用户身份验证的流程: 客户端使用用户名和密码请求登录 服务端收到请求,验证用户名和密码 验证成功后,服务端会签...
Verifique seu ambiente de produção com o Actuator do Spring Boot!
Verifique seu ambiente de produção com o Actuator do Spring Boot!,No post anterior mostrei a você o que é o Actuator, seus principais recursos e, muito importante: como garanti...
同时使用线程本地变量以及对象缓存的问题 如有转载请著名出处:https://www.cnblogs.com/funnyzpc/p/18313879 前面 前些时间看别人写的一段关于锁的(对象缓存+线程本地变量)的一...
What Happened When I Learned Java and Python at the Same Time
What Happened When I Learned Java and Python at the Same Time,This is a story of how I learned Python and Java at the same time, and while doing that, learned a few things about my...