.NET 8 + Vue/UniApp 高性能前后端分离框架
.NET 8 + Vue/UniApp 高性能前后端分离框架,前言 作为一名开发者,我们知道能够简化开发流程、提升工作效率的工具是至关重要的。 推荐一款前后端分离框架 Admin.NET(ZRAdmin),它不仅可以满足...
Bookmark These Free Spring Boot Learning Resources
Bookmark These Free Spring Boot Learning Resources,If you're new to Spring Boot and looking for quality learning resources, I've found these bookmarks quite helpful when ramping up...
C++ 获取数组大小、多维数组操作详解
C++ 获取数组大小、多维数组操作详解,获取数组的大小 要获取数组的大小,可以使用 sizeof() 运算符: 示例 int myNumbers[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; cout << sizeof(myNumbers); 结果:...
Controller 中的请求方法,private 和 public有什么区别?别用错了!
作者:hinotoyk 链接:https://juejin.cn/post/6910215219822362632 背景:某日在公司中撸代码的时候,在一个常用的controller中添加一个方法,测试时突然报错说注入的service为null,捣鼓一阵...
Restructuring JSON with JAX-RS ReaderInterceptors and a little bit of JSON-B Magic
Restructuring JSON with JAX-RS ReaderInterceptors and a little bit of JSON-B Magic,Have you ever needed to consume a RESTful service but the data structure of the remote service ju...
Become a Better Coder: 10 Tips
Become a Better Coder: 10 Tips,With countless Python best practices circulating online, opinions on each can vary depending on who you ask. The internet has democratized expertise,...
100 Days of Code: Day 1: Java Basics
100 Days of Code: Day 1: Java Basics, Neophyte's 100 Days (2 Part Series) 1 100 Days of Code: Day 1: Java Basics 2 100 Days of Code: Days 2 and 3: Bullet Hell with Lua and Löve 2D...
一款轻量级、高性能、强类型、易扩展符合C#开发者的JAVA自研ORM github地址 easy-query https://github.com/xuejmnet/easy-query gitee地址 easy-query https://gitee.com/xuejm/easy-query 背...
Consumindo mensagens do Kafka sem dor de cabeça
Consumindo mensagens do Kafka sem dor de cabeça,No artigo Produzindo mensagens com Kafka vimos como podemos usar o Kafka para enviar mensagens e agora vamos ver como podemos receb...
字符编码发展史4 — Unicode与UTF-8
字符编码发展史4 — Unicode与UTF-8,上一篇《字符编码发展史3 — GB2312/Big5/GBK/GB18030》我们讲解了ANSI编码中的GB2312/Big5/GBK/GB18030。本篇我们将继续讲解字符编码的第三个发展阶段中的U...
5 Ways to boost your code up using functional programming Style in Java
5 Ways to boost your code up using functional programming Style in Java, The release of Java 8 on March, 2014 brought up a bunch of significant changes to the java world and and am...