Java Functions/Methods: A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Efficient Code
Java Functions/Methods: A Beginner's Guide to Writing Efficient Code, Intro: In this article, I would like to share some insights about… Functions/Methods Works Scoping Shadowing ...
Clean Code
Clean Code,Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash Today I wanted to talk about clean code since we closed last week our SOLID series, I thought it would be perfect if I continued writ...
P2150 [NOI2015] 寿司晚宴
P2150 [NOI2015] 寿司晚宴,思路: 注意到对于每个数,其 \(>19\) 的质因数最多只有 \(1\) 个,称为大质数;对于 \(\le 19\) 的质因数有 \(8\) 个,称为小质数。 设第 \(i\) 个数的小质数集合...
How to build an eCommerce App?
How to build an eCommerce App?,Why & How to build eCommerce Apps? Ecommerce platform not just sells stuff it guides you in knowing who is buying the products, when they are buy...
Spring Security权限控制框架使用指南
在常用的后台管理系统中,通常都会有访问权限控制的需求,用于限制不同人员对于接口的访问能力,如果用户不具备指定的权限,则不能访问某些接口。 本文将用 waynboot-mall 项目举例,给大家介绍...
Conectarse con SQLcl
Conectarse con SQLcl,Oracle SQL Developer Command Line (SQLcl) es una herramienta que viene a reemplazar a SQL*plus. Está construido sobre Java. Si deseamos usar una implementaci...
# Spring Boot Annotation Cheat Sheet
# Spring Boot Annotation Cheat Sheet,Spring Boot annotations are powerful tools to simplify development, configuration, and security. Here's a comprehensive cheat sheet of common a...
Why is it important to create a default constructor explicitly when we create a parametrized constructor explicitly??
Why is it important to create a default constructor explicitly when we create a parametrized constructor explicitly??, java implicitly creates a default constructor for us in a cla...
一文搞懂C/C++常用编译器, 1. C++ 编译器介绍 1.1. MSVC 1.1.1. Visual C++与Visual Studio的版本对应关系 1.1.2. 工具链的主要工具 1.2. GCC 1.2.1. GCC的主要优点 1.2.2. GCC的常用工具 1.2.3...
Insert Content Controls into Word Document in Java
Insert Content Controls into Word Document in Java, Introduction Content controls are ideal for creating templates because content controls can help us fix the position of content,...
python部署项目为什么要用Nginx和uWSGI,一、测试运行python项目 1.1 Flask项目 说明1:当我们直接用编译器运行Flask项目的时候,会有一个提示:意思就是:这是开发环境的服务器,不能用于生产环...
Hey guys! If you’re looking to get feedback on your API security, drop a link here I Would love to help.
Hey guys! If you're looking to get feedback on your API security, drop a link here I Would love to help.,Most APIs use Okta, OAuth 2.0, JWT, Spring Security, and similar security f...