Understanding == in Java: Why 1 == 1 is True but 128 == 128 Might Be False
Understanding == in Java: Why 1 == 1 is True but 128 == 128 Might Be False,If you’re learning Java, you’ve likely used the== operator countless times. It’s straightforward when ...
Garbage Collection in Java – What is GC and How it Works in the JVM
Garbage Collection in Java - What is GC and How it Works in the JVM,Garbage Collection is the process of reclaiming the runtime unused memory by destroying the unused objects. In l...
Effective Java Tuesday! The Builder Pattern!
Effective Java Tuesday! The Builder Pattern!, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday! The B...
python打包和反编译一条龙,python打包和反编译 从py到exe 打包 安装Pyinstaller pip install pyinstaller //太慢可切源 pip install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/ pyinstaller #豆瓣源 p...
Hibernate – Why you should avoid merge()
Hibernate - Why you should avoid merge(),Before we start, if you are not familiar with the states you can first read the related post. Let's assume that you are using a basic entit...
manim边做边学--淡入淡出,本篇介绍Manim中的淡入和淡出动画效果。 淡入FadeIn 主要用于让对象以渐变的方式在场景中显现。 它的特点是视觉上柔和过渡,能自然地引导观众注意新出现的元素。 淡出F...
[PT-BR] Evitando ‘Escaping References’ com JPMS
[PT-BR] Evitando 'Escaping References' com JPMS,Muitas vezes, quando estamos desenvolvendo nossos softwares, não percebemos possíveis bugs que estão sendo inseridos no código. ...
P1398 [NOI2013] 书法家
P1398 [NOI2013] 书法家,思路: 来一篇极小常数的 \(O(N^3M)\) 和 \(O(N^2M \log^2 N)\) 的题解,最慢点在 500ms 以下但是为什么还是最劣解。 定义 \(dp_{i,j,k,x \in \{0,1,2\},y \in \{0,1,2\...
Need help – First coding interview in 2 weeks
Need help - First coding interview in 2 weeks,Hi all! I applied for a job recently for a big company and i managed to pass all the interviews so far, and I have the last one, the t...
Unity中的SerializeReference使用简介,Unity 默认可以序列化值类型, Serializable属性修饰的类型, 派生自UnityEngine.Object的类型, 通常这些类型已经足以供日常使用了. 但是有时我们希望在编辑...
My Journey into Software Development
My Journey into Software Development,My journey began in the 6th grade in the year 2000 there was an after-school program that summer that allowed those students without a computer...