JSON Logging in Spring Boot Applications
JSON Logging in Spring Boot Applications,Application logs are like the black box. When troubleshooting issues first thing I look at is the application logs. It becomes essential to...
解读surging 的内存过高的原因
解读surging 的内存过高的原因,前言 对于.NET开发人员来讲,一个程序占用内存过高,是极其糟糕,是一款不合格的程序软件,.NET开发人员也不会去使用服务...
Shell Sort Algorithm in Java
Shell Sort Algorithm in Java,Shell Sort is an in-place comparison sort algorithm. Shell Sort is a generalization of insertion sort that allows the exchange of items that are far ap...
2023 年,又打破记录啦。。
大家好,我是R哥。 首先祝大家元旦快乐,在新的一年身体健康,学习进步,事业有成。 2023 过太快了,迷迷糊糊就过完了,甚至可以说有点魔幻,看到有一些公众号都在写总结,我也写一个吧。 2023 ...
Array – ArrayList / Array List – Linked List
Array - ArrayList / Array List - Linked List, Array and Array Lists Arrays Fixed length Anything => Primitives (integer, long, boolean) and also Objects (string, Dog, etc) Array...
The Ultimate Hadoop Installation Cheat Sheet
The Ultimate Hadoop Installation Cheat Sheet, 1. Install Java $ apt-get -y upgrade && apt-get -y update $ apt install -y default-jdk $ java --version 2. Create Dedicated Ha...
Python中 sys.argv[]的用法解释
Python中 sys.argv[]的用法解释,sys.argv就是一个从程序外部获取参数的桥梁,这个“外部”很关键, 因为我们从外部取得的参数可以是多个,所以获得的是一个列表(list),也就是说sys.argv其实可...
Nashorn JavaScript engine
Nashorn JavaScript engine,Few days ago, while looking at this SIP server, I noticed it being executed using something called Nashorn, instead of the more popular JavaScript runtime...
【scikit-learn基础】–『监督学习』之 K-近邻分类
【scikit-learn基础】--『监督学习』之 K-近邻分类,KNN(K-近邻),全称K-Nearest Neighbors,是一种常用的分类算法。KNN算法的历史可以追溯到1957年,当时Cover和Hart提出了“最近邻分类”的概...
Multi Node Kafka Cluster Installation, Configuration and Test (Java, zookeeper, kafka, cmak) on Ubuntu20
Multi Node Kafka Cluster Installation, Configuration and Test (Java, zookeeper, kafka, cmak) on Ubuntu20,Hosts dosyasını edit‘leyin. kafka01 kafka02 10....
Database Management Tool
Database Management Tool, Database Management Tool (2 Part Series) 1 Database Management Tool 2 Inside Database Management Tool Introduction Managing databases and performing CRUD ...