编程技术 第1187页
Effective Java —Chapters 6 to 9-拾光赋

Effective Java —Chapters 6 to 9

Effective Java —Chapters 6 to 9, Introduction This is part 2 of my summary of 'Effective Java'. For the first part of this summary (chapters 2 to 5) you can refer to this post. A ...
Effective Java —chapters 2 to 5-拾光赋

Effective Java —chapters 2 to 5

Effective Java —chapters 2 to 5, Introduction Effective Java is a book by Joshua Bloch about Java platform and its best practices. Bloch is a professor at Carnegie Mellon Universi...
Couple words about static factory methods naming.-拾光赋

Couple words about static factory methods naming.

Couple words about static factory methods naming.,There are few widely used approaches for naming of these types of methods, especially in general purpose classes. getInstance() an...
Red Dog for Dev Episode One!-拾光赋

Red Dog for Dev Episode One!

Red Dog for Dev Episode One!,Starting today I’m going to be trying something new. Given the fast pace of change with the Azure platform it’s often hard to keep up with what’s ne...


StringMethod,Sorting String By using String method 原文链接:StringMethod
best framework for android application?-拾光赋

best framework for android application?

best framework for android application?,which of below framework you prefer to design android application?why? 1)java 1)react native 3)ionic 4)flutter 5)xamarin 原文链接:best fram...
10 FREE DevOps Courses to learn Jenkins, Docker, and Maven for Programmers-拾光赋

10 FREE DevOps Courses to learn Jenkins, Docker, and Maven for Programmers

10 FREE DevOps Courses to learn Jenkins, Docker, and Maven for Programmers,Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or se...
!Stacks && Queues... Stacks || Queues!-拾光赋

!Stacks && Queues… Stacks || Queues!

!Stacks && Queues... Stacks || Queues!, Stacks and Queues   Stacks and Queues are sometimes verbally used interchangeably or together with an 'and' and do somewhat of a s...
Getting started with Spring WebFlux and R2DBC in Spring Boot-拾光赋

Getting started with Spring WebFlux and R2DBC in Spring Boot

Getting started with Spring WebFlux and R2DBC in Spring Boot, Introduction In this short article I will try to introduce you to R2DBC using Spring Data R2DBC and in the world of re...
NLP with DL4J in Java, all from the command-line-拾光赋

NLP with DL4J in Java, all from the command-line

NLP with DL4J in Java, all from the command-line, Introduction We are all aware of Machine Learning tools and cloud services that work via the browser and give us an interface we c...
Checking for vulnerabilities on your Java projects-拾光赋

Checking for vulnerabilities on your Java projects

Checking for vulnerabilities on your Java projects,A lot of developers I talk to, seem to think that security is someone else responsibility. The network guy, the security guy, som...
Insert Content Controls into Word Document in Java-拾光赋

Insert Content Controls into Word Document in Java

Insert Content Controls into Word Document in Java, Introduction Content controls are ideal for creating templates because content controls can help us fix the position of content,...