When and Why Java is Suitable for Application
When and Why Java is Suitable for Application, Dedicated Software Development Team (3 Part Series) 1 9 Must-Have Tools for Managing an Offshore Development Team 2 Java 8 Vs. Java 9...
How to Nuke Your RSS Feed
How to Nuke Your RSS Feed,If you’ve been subscribed to my newsletter for a little while, you may have noticed a few weeks where I wasn’t sending an emails. As it turns out, I man...
Spring Boot in Visual Studio Code
Spring Boot in Visual Studio Code,I use Visual Studio Code for everything these days. In the past couple of months alone I have used it for HMTL, CSS, JavaScript, Java, Spring, C#,...
Dependency Injection in Java
Dependency Injection in Java,Versión en Español: Inyección de Dependencias en Java Carlos Chacin ・ Feb 8 '20 #java #dependencyinjection #di #bestpractices The article was initi...
Grails CI with Github Actions
Grails CI with Github Actions,I recently was playing with Github Actions and a Grails 3 app. Was a bit of trial and error though I finally got a working CI workflow. Github recentl...
Java: ¿Por qué no me funciona la comparación de cadenas? Literales, clases y el repositorio de cadenas
Java: ¿Por qué no me funciona la comparación de cadenas? Literales, clases y el repositorio de cadenas,Una pregunta habitual de los que comienzan con Java (e incluso en entrevis...
Java Deep Learning cookbook free copies
Java Deep Learning cookbook free copies,Hello All, I'm the author of the book 'Java deep Learning cookbook' -> https://www.amazon.com/Java-Deep-Learning-Cookbook-Deeplearning4j-...
Best Programming Languages for Web Development in 2020
Best Programming Languages for Web Development in 2020,Today one of the most requesting aptitudes required is the expertise to compose programming code. Computer-based intelligence...
Java Fibers (Project Loom) vs. Kotlin Coroutines…
Java Fibers (Project Loom) vs. Kotlin Coroutines...,Hi all, I wanted to ask if Fibers will be 'only' the pendant to Kotlins Coroutines or Goroutines in Golang... in Java or does it...
TypeFont is a program that identifies the font of a text in a picture – IS IT WORTH € 5000?
TypeFont is a program that identifies the font of a text in a picture - IS IT WORTH € 5000?,David: Vasile, You have some interesting projects on Agora, TypeFont is just one of the...
Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer try-with-resources
Effective Java Tuesday! Prefer try-with-resources, Effective Java Review (90 Part Series) 1 Effective Java Tuesday! Let's Consider Static Factory Methods 2 Effective Java Tuesday! ...
Solving Real World Bad Design by Applying the Tell, don’t Ask Principle
Solving Real World Bad Design by Applying the Tell, don’t Ask Principle,Can you spot bad design when you see it? Can you tell what’s wrong here? if (!response.getStatusCode().is2...