Export Lotus Notes (.NSF) messages with Aspose.Email
Export Lotus Notes (.NSF) messages with Aspose.Email, What is IBM Notes? IBM (Lotus) Notes and IBM Domino are the client and server, which represents a collaborative client-server ...
Metabase 500 internal server error
Metabase 500 internal server error,This is a quick guide on how to fix 500 server error response on Metabase server. After logging in to my Metabase, and querying data as usual, fo...
Many classes and many layout files
Many classes and many layout files,What is better to have a main activity class interacting with many other classes and xml files or a main activity class with many xml files? For ...
Top 5 Concurrency Interview Questions for Software Engineers
Top 5 Concurrency Interview Questions for Software Engineers,(Some background: I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidates for software engineering jobs at Facebook and Microsoft. I’...
HOW TO PREVENT ACTIVITY FROM RESTARTING WHEN PHONE IS ROTATED,I was working on android contact application where the add-contact form/context is a fragment on the main activity. Th...
Why Go succeeded; Java’s naming conventions; & Python optimization tips
Why Go succeeded; Java's naming conventions; & Python optimization tips,TL;DR style notes from articles I read today. 5 things Rob Pike attributes Go’s success to
Writing a form...
The DRY Principle Reexamined
The DRY Principle Reexamined, DRY Principle Reexamined Most programmers self taught or university educated, have at one time come into contact with the DRY Principle. Its often int...
Java is Dead – Long Live Java
Java is Dead - Long Live Java,Java is dead. Leave the sinking ship, Kotlin, golang, whatever it is, learn another language! Is that really true? History Let's look at the history f...
Quarkus – Develop Your First Supersonic Enterprise Java Application
Quarkus - Develop Your First Supersonic Enterprise Java Application,In this article, we're going to getting started with our first supersonic Quarkus application. We will develop a...
Age Is Just a Number: why you are never too old to learn Java
Age Is Just a Number: why you are never too old to learn Java,“I am afraid it’s too late for me to change my profession… To change something in my life, in general. I am (enter ...
Dependency Inversion Principle
Dependency Inversion Principle,The last SOLID rule is the dependency inversion principle. According to Robert Martin's Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns and Practice...
The Secrets to Learning Java Game Development with Beginner Coding Skills
The Secrets to Learning Java Game Development with Beginner Coding Skills,Who doesn’t like playing games? There’s a console, computer, and mobile games built to everyone’s taste...