编程技术 第1180页
Clean Code of Lambda Usages in Java 8-拾光赋

Clean Code of Lambda Usages in Java 8

Clean Code of Lambda Usages in Java 8,        What is lambda function in java? Officially (java 8 docs), lambda expressions basically express instance...
Spring Initializr, Meet Your Perfect Match for Event-Driven Microservices: PubSub+-拾光赋

Spring Initializr, Meet Your Perfect Match for Event-Driven Microservices: PubSub+

Spring Initializr, Meet Your Perfect Match for Event-Driven Microservices: PubSub+, If you’re not familiar with start.spring.io, it hosts the Spring Engineering team’s opinionate...
21 Best IntelliJ Plugins for 2019 (100% Free)-拾光赋

21 Best IntelliJ Plugins for 2019 (100% Free)

21 Best IntelliJ Plugins for 2019 (100% Free),Like other IDEs or CMSs before it, IntelliJ has quickly become more than an IDE. With its vast plugin marketplace, IntelliJ has turned...
Single Responsibility Principle-拾光赋

Single Responsibility Principle

Single Responsibility Principle,The first concept in SOLID principles is the single responsibility principle. According to Robert Martin's Agile Software Development: Principles, P...
Reactjs for front-end with Java backend-拾光赋

Reactjs for front-end with Java backend

Reactjs for front-end with Java backend,Hi all, This is the first time we are going to use reactjs in front-end with a combination of Spring boot project. Spring framework is using...
Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP-拾光赋

Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP

Exploring NLP concepts using Apache OpenNLP, Introduction After looking at a lot of Java/JVM based NLP libraries listed on Awesome AI/ML/DL I decided to pick the Apache OpenNLP lib...
5 tried and true techniques to prepare for a coding interview-拾光赋

5 tried and true techniques to prepare for a coding interview

5 tried and true techniques to prepare for a coding interview,Coding interviews are a mixed bag. It depends on the company, the interviewer, your skill set, etc. There’s no silver...
Reactive Spring Boot Restful Web Service + Google Books API-拾光赋

Reactive Spring Boot Restful Web Service + Google Books API

Reactive Spring Boot Restful Web Service + Google Books API,The idea of this post, the first of a series, is to demonstrate how to write a Spring Boot Restful Web Service that acce...
Inheritance and Polymorphism-拾光赋

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Inheritance and Polymorphism,Inheritance is a way to base one class on another class, like a template built from an existing template. You could create a class called 'Dog' that ac...
mvn clean install - a short guide to Maven-拾光赋

mvn clean install – a short guide to Maven

mvn clean install - a short guide to Maven,You can use this guide to understand what a 'mvn clean install' really does. Also: A crash-course on Maven and workarounds for its most c...
Multidimensional Array- Example1-拾光赋

Multidimensional Array- Example1

Multidimensional Array- Example1,Write a java method to find the maximum elements in a matrix 原文链接:Multidimensional Array- Example1
Selenium Java Tutorial: Automation Testing Of User Signup Form-拾光赋

Selenium Java Tutorial: Automation Testing Of User Signup Form

Selenium Java Tutorial: Automation Testing Of User Signup Form,If you are just starting with Selenium automation testing of your product, the first page you would probably want to ...