SDKMan, adding unlisted versions
SDKMan, adding unlisted versions,SDKMan is a fantastic tool, I believe no one has doubts! Since I installed it, my concerns with Gradle, Java, Kotlin versions, among other SDKs end...
The “new” Nullpointer Exception in Java 17
The 'new' Nullpointer Exception in Java 17,As a java developer everyone should know the Nullpointer Exception or NPE. It is that one thing, you always should try to prevent from ha...
Spring Boot Testing — Testcontainers and Flyway
Spring Boot Testing — Testcontainers and Flyway,This is the second part of the Spring Boot Testing article series. The code snippets are taken from this repository. You can clone ...
Most Common Design Patterns
Most Common Design Patterns, Design Patterns (2 Part Series) 1 Most Common Design Patterns 2 Singleton Pattern Welcome to this new eight part series where we'll discuss about one o...
Alibaba Summer of Code 2020 – Arthas Final Report
Alibaba Summer of Code 2020 – Arthas Final Report, Project information Project name Provide a separate tutorial for each Arthas command Project task description Issue There are tw...
CodeChef – ATM Problem
CodeChef - ATM Problem,CodeChef ATM Problem- Problem Code: HS08TEST Basic Programming Series.... Problem Statement:- Pooja would like to withdraw X $US from an ATM. The cash machin...
Decode Builder Design Pattern
Decode Builder Design Pattern, Creational Patterns (5 Part Series) 1 Decode Abstract Factory Design Pattern 2 Decode Builder Design Pattern 3 Decode Factory Pattern 4 Decode Protot...
Hacktoberfest2021 Journey
Hacktoberfest2021 Journey, First experience in Hacktoberfest There was a Digital Ocean meeting a long time ago. It was introduced to the event by the speaker. Background I'm a Soft...
Hide or Show Gridlines in Excel in Java
Hide or Show Gridlines in Excel in Java,The Excel gridlines run between the columns and row of the spreadsheet, allowing you to see where each individual cell is located. This arti...
Refactoring code from ssg
Refactoring code from ssg, Overview This week, I was working on refactoring my own - and collaborated - code. There were some fields of improvements that I wanted to work on. Below...
Fibonacci Number Using Recursion
Fibonacci Number Using Recursion, In Below code we have used recursion to return Fibonacci number and Fibonacci series. To run the code click here. Example 1: Input :- 10 Enter ful...
Decode Abstract Factory Design Pattern
Decode Abstract Factory Design Pattern, Creational Patterns (5 Part Series) 1 Decode Abstract Factory Design Pattern 2 Decode Builder Design Pattern 3 Decode Factory Pattern 4 Deco...