How to create simple rest apis with springboot
How to create simple rest apis with springboot,This post was originally published in adityasridhar.com As a part of this article you will be building 2 simple REST apis Using Sprin...
vue 快速入门 系列 —— 实战之复习Vue
vue 快速入门 系列 —— 实战之复习Vue, 其他章节请看: vue 快速入门 系列 实战之复习Vue 近期需要接手 vue 2的项目,许久未写,语法有些陌生。本篇将较全面复习 vue 2。 Tip: 项目是基于 ant-...
Communicating Between JavaScript and Java Through the Cordova Plugins
Communicating Between JavaScript and Java Through the Cordova Plugins, Background Cordova is an open-source cross-platform development framework that allows you to use HTML and J...
.NET 8 强大功能 IHostedService 与 BackgroundService 实战
.NET 8 强大功能 IHostedService 与 BackgroundService 实战,前言 在.NET 8中,IHostedService 和 BackgroundService 两个核心接口的引入,增强了项目开发中处理定时任务的能力。这两个接口不仅...
Kotlin data class — Behind the mask
Kotlin data class — Behind the mask,As the name states, a data class is a class that holds data. The difference from the normal class is the auto-generation of some standard funct...
记一次 .NET某游戏币自助机后端 内存暴涨分析
记一次 .NET某游戏币自助机后端 内存暴涨分析,一:背景 1. 讲故事 前些天有位朋友找到我,说他们的程序内存会偶发性暴涨,自己分析了下是非托管内存问题,让我帮忙看下怎么回事?哈哈,看到这个...
How to use PowerMockito whenNew
How to use PowerMockito whenNew,PowerMockito.whenNew is a powerful function to stub a constructor. This article will demonstrate some scenario when we use whenNew and some gotchas ...
OLAP多维语义模型(一),概述 为了严谨起见,在正式内容之前,先把OLAP多维语义模型是什么说明一下。 先说OLAP(Online Analytical Processing),它是和OLTP相对的概念,关于这两个概念的详细...
JDoc4droid, an offline Javadoc viewer for Android
JDoc4droid, an offline Javadoc viewer for Android, Why create a Javadoc viewer for Android? I like to hang out in online programming communities like StackOverflow or programming D...
Python开发环境搭建(PyCharm+Anaconda+Git+Gitee),一、Anaconda介绍 1.1 为什么选择Anaconda? Anaconda是一个开源的Python发行版本,主要用于数据科学和机器学习,它包含了Python、conda以及...
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #4
Bootcamp Java Developer Day #4, Day 4: Today I finished course 5 and finally started a course about Java! But I did the software installation only. 5) Completed: Fundaments of Syst...
C#.NET与JAVA互通之MD5哈希V2024,C#.NET与JAVA互通之MD5哈希V2024 配套视频: 要点: 1.计算MD5时,SDK自带的计算哈希(ComputeHash)方法,输入输出参数都是byte数组。就...