Test,var foo = function (bar) { return bar++; }; console.log(foo(5)); Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode The Practical Dev @thepracticaldev As promised— FREE STICKE...
Using the Bing API in a Java Application
Using the Bing API in a Java Application, Setting Up My main task today has been to integrate Bing locations API within our platforms JAVA API so that we can do location lookups fr...
SimplQ, a Modern Web Based Queue Manager
SimplQ, a Modern Web Based Queue Manager,I've recently been inspired by services like jit.si, scribble.io where you go, generate an instant link and share it with others. As an exp...
Create out of curiosity
Create out of curiosity,I remembered back then when I was first given an assignment to do up a calculator in Android. I think it was my first Android project. I remember using XML ...
3 simple ways to create connectors for the Bonita Platform
3 simple ways to create connectors for the Bonita Platform,When using the Bonita platform to develop an application or process, connectors are a means to interact with your informa...
When parallelStream is not a big deal in Java
When parallelStream is not a big deal in Java,To understand when you should use or avoid the use of parallelStream is important to understand the concept of stateful and stateless ...
frameworks,It all started with the Django Web Framework, in the first week of my first job, I was introduced to it. I was supposed to be a 'full stack developer' starting from leve...
StopCovid app: overview of the backend server code
StopCovid app: overview of the backend server code,StopCovid is a mobile application launched by the french government in order to perform contact tracing of COVID-19 infections an...
Encrypt/ Decrypt PDF Files in Java Application
Encrypt/ Decrypt PDF Files in Java Application,In daily work, it is important for us to encrypt the confidential PDF files or contracts before transferring them, because this will ...
Building Java Projects with Gradle
Building Java Projects with Gradle, I've had a few strongly worded opinions about Java as a language in the past. Be that as it may, choosing a programming language is a luxury tha...
10 Intellij Idea’s plugins I’m using
10 Intellij Idea's plugins I'm using,Cover image: https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plik:IntelliJIDEA_2016.3_Community.png Intellij Idea has a lot of plugins, both paid and free (I'm...
Extent Reports made easy using Cucumber Adapter
Extent Reports made easy using Cucumber Adapter,Report! Report! and yes we all need reports of whatever we do. This applies to test automation as well and we have a lot of options ...