编程技术 第1088页
[Podcast] Barcoding podcast - Episode 13: Security-拾光赋

[Podcast] Barcoding podcast – Episode 13: Security

[Podcast] Barcoding podcast - Episode 13: Security,Recently I was invited as a guest to one of my favorite Software Development, and Java podcasts called Barcoding. Barcoding is de...
Spring Cloud微服务下如何配置I8n-拾光赋

Spring Cloud微服务下如何配置I8n

什么是I8n 国际化(I18n)指的是设计和开发产品的过程,使得它们能够适应多种语言和文化环境,而不需要进行大量的代码更改。这通常涉及到创建一个基础版本的产品,然后通过配置和资源文件来添加...
Samurai Duke and the Legend of OpenJDK-拾光赋

Samurai Duke and the Legend of OpenJDK

Samurai Duke and the Legend of OpenJDK,What is Duke? No one knows his species or genus. People say he’s a Java Bean or a Software Agent, but all we know for sure is that he remind...
第二届数字化经济与管理科学国际学术会议(CDEMS 2024)-拾光赋

第二届数字化经济与管理科学国际学术会议(CDEMS 2024)

第二届数字化经济与管理科学国际学术会议(CDEMS 2024),【经济&管理 | 录用率高】 第二届数字化经济与管理科学国际学术会议(CDEMS 2024) 2024 2 nd International Conference on Di...
How we can access the other components-拾光赋

How we can access the other components

How we can access the other components,How we can access the other components within and outside the android application. Explain your answer using example of Facebook application?...
OOP Bootcamp 3: Classes and Objects 1, The Basics-拾光赋

OOP Bootcamp 3: Classes and Objects 1, The Basics

OOP Bootcamp 3: Classes and Objects 1, The Basics, Why Classes and Objects I hate being sick. To go from a state of wellness and feeling good about it to feelings like a sickly vic...
My first open source library-拾光赋

My first open source library

My first open source library,I've been working on my first open source java library and few days ago I finished it! It took me around 3 weeks to make it. It's a library that makes ...


特点: 双链集合,一次存储一对数据,分为键和值,键唯一,值可多个,键值对应   首先新建集合 Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); 添加元素 注意该类型集合添加元素...
Setting up environment for JHIpster-拾光赋

Setting up environment for JHIpster

Setting up environment for JHIpster,Photo by Maximilian Weisbecker on Unsplash As my company approved my 2 days a week remote work, they just gave me a new (really amazing Dell Lat...


「引言」 大家好,我是你们的老伙计秀才!今天带来的是[深入浅出Java多线程]系列的第三篇内容:线程与线程组。大家觉得有用请点赞,喜欢请关注!秀才在此谢过大家了!!! 在现代软件开发中,多...
Day 01/100-拾光赋

Day 01/100

Day 01/100,Hello everyone !!!! So, Day - 01 out of 100.... The inertia of focus is at it's peak while starting something new, well this inertia dies out completely and instantaneou...
Top 10 Java Libraries Every Dev Should Know About-拾光赋

Top 10 Java Libraries Every Dev Should Know About

Top 10 Java Libraries Every Dev Should Know About,Java has long been one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world. With its widespread use in enterprise...