一文夯实并发编程的理论基础,JMM内存模型 定义 java内存模型(即 java Memory Model,简称JMM),不存在的东西,是一个概念,约定 主要分成两部分来看,一部分叫做主内存,另一部分叫做工作内存...
LeetCode Problem 460 – LFU Cache, Part 1
LeetCode Problem 460 - LFU Cache, Part 1,Author's note: Post was originally made on 11/18/2018 on my personal blog, alejandroluperon.com. Problem 460 on LeetCode requires the creat...
IDEA、PyCharm、CLion 等 Intellij 全家桶各版本(含最新))永久激活教程
永久激活支持全家桶所有软件,包括 Pycharm、IDEA、WebStorm、Phpstorm、Datagrip、RubyMine、CLion、AppCode 下面以 Intellij IDEA 作为演示。 准备工作:下载插件包 https://qweree.cn/index....
9.1、环境搭建 9.1.1、在project创建新module 9.1.2、选择maven 9.1.3、设置module名称和路径 9.1.4、module初始状态 9.1.5、配置打包方式和引入依赖 注意:默认的打包方式为 jar,为了能配置we...
A crash course in classpaths: Run!
A crash course in classpaths: Run!,Over the past three posts, we have explored classpaths and class loading on the JVM and Android. Till now, we have focused on the build: we've le...
Wednesday Links – Edition 2024-09-25
Wednesday Links - Edition 2024-09-25, Wednesday Links (232 Part Series) 1 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-05-27 2 Wednesday Links - Edition 2020-06-03 ... 228 more parts... 3 Wednes...
Run Java tests against the Firestore emulator
Run Java tests against the Firestore emulator,It's not widely documented how to do this, right? You have a test suite that you want to run against Firestore emulator, which should ...
写在前面 一款好的插件往往能提高我们的开发效率。今天就给大家安利一款maven 依赖搜索插件。 插件是自己一直关注的鲁班大叔开发的,用了几天真的好用 废话不多说,我们就来看看这是一款什么插...
docker部署是主流的部署方式,极大的方便了开发部署环境,保持了环境的统一,也是实现自动化部署的前提。 1 项目的目录结构 package: 点击打包,生成 xxx-SNAPSHOT.jar target目录: 打包生成目...
Exceções do Java são úteis: talvez você é que não saiba usá-las
Exceções do Java são úteis: talvez você é que não saiba usá-las,Semana passada escrevi sobre como os programadores complicam o código Java. Volto este tema agora para fala...
.NET 开源高性能 MQTT 类库
.NET 开源高性能 MQTT 类库,前言 随着物联网(IoT)技术的迅猛发展,MQTT(消息队列遥测传输)协议凭借其轻量级和高效性,已成为众多物联网应用的首选通信标准。 MQTTnet 作为一个高性能的 .NET...
Add AWS Transcribe to Spring boot App
Add AWS Transcribe to Spring boot App,Amazon Transcribe uses a deep learning process called automatic speech recognition (ASR) to convert speech to text quickly and accurately. Ama...