编程技术 第1070页
Extending Hibernate Dialects-拾光赋

Extending Hibernate Dialects

Extending Hibernate Dialects, Overview Spring Data JPA paired with Hibernate gives you a whole lot of power, just right out of the box. You can write plain language queries that wi...
Stay in the L(OOP) with Object-Oriented Programming Basics-拾光赋

Stay in the L(OOP) with Object-Oriented Programming Basics

Stay in the L(OOP) with Object-Oriented Programming Basics, 'Object-oriented programming is an exceptionally bad idea which could only have originated in California.' -Edsger Dijks...
Systemic Cloud Migration Hands-on Guide to Architecture, Design and Technical Implementation-拾光赋

Systemic Cloud Migration Hands-on Guide to Architecture, Design and Technical Implementation

Systemic Cloud Migration Hands-on Guide to Architecture, Design and Technical Implementation,I would like to share the book that was printed by @Apress. It is focused on cloud migr...
Dependency Injection - Spring-拾光赋

Dependency Injection – Spring

Dependency Injection - Spring, Basics Spring has lot of modules start.spring.io lists many spring modules which you can configure spring boot is useful to build RESTfull web servic...
Microservices concepts - Java-拾光赋

Microservices concepts – Java

Microservices concepts - Java, Microservices Concepts (Using Java technologies) In microservices we can have multiple services running, and each service can have multiple instances...
Reduzindo a quantidade de Branchs na criação de Objetos com uma estrutura plugável-拾光赋

Reduzindo a quantidade de Branchs na criação de Objetos com uma estrutura plugável

Reduzindo a quantidade de Branchs na criação de Objetos com uma estrutura plugável,Você já se deparou com o cenário em que criar objetos, de forma dinâmica, usando algum par...
Springboot+Docker+Minikube+Kubectl - Continuous Integration(CI) Local-拾光赋

Springboot+Docker+Minikube+Kubectl – Continuous Integration(CI) Local

Springboot+Docker+Minikube+Kubectl - Continuous Integration(CI) Local,In this blog, we will try to learn springboot with docker and deploying it to local k8s cluster hosted with mi...
How to make a get Request to this Api and display all the data https://gorest.co.in/public/v1/todos-拾光赋

How to make a get Request to this Api and display all the data https://gorest.co.in/public/v1/todos

How to make a get Request to this Api and display all the data https://gorest.co.in/public/v1/todos,How to make a get Request to using RetroFit Api and display all the data https:/...
Programação Orientada a Aspectos-拾光赋

Programação Orientada a Aspectos

Programação Orientada a Aspectos,Dando sequência aos meus estudos sobre Micronaut, dei de cara com mais um conceito que não conhecia muito e resolvi pesquisar mais sobre. Dessa...
Multiple Hierarchical Contexts in Spring Boot-拾光赋

Multiple Hierarchical Contexts in Spring Boot

Multiple Hierarchical Contexts in Spring Boot, TL;DR In addition to creating only one ApplicationContext in a typical Spring Boot application, there is a possibility to create mult...
Spring Boot Testing — Data and Services-拾光赋

Spring Boot Testing — Data and Services

Spring Boot Testing — Data and Services, Spring Boot Testing — Data and Services I think testing is an essential thing in software development. And I’m not the only one. If you ...
Use Twilio with Appwrite Java Cloud Functions!-拾光赋

Use Twilio with Appwrite Java Cloud Functions!

Use Twilio with Appwrite Java Cloud Functions!,Twilio is a developer platform for communications, the provided programmable Application Program Interfaces (APIs) are a set of build...