OOP Series: Encapsulation In Java
OOP Series: Encapsulation In Java, Introduction Encapsulation is one of the four core principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It is also known as information hiding. Encap...
For Loop & For-Each Loop
For Loop & For-Each Loop, What is LOOP Loops in JAVA are used to automate some particular task which is repeated for no.s of times. Suppose that, you’re creating a program that pr...
Reasons to avoid RandomStringUtils for test data generation
Reasons to avoid RandomStringUtils for test data generation, Which problem do we want to solve? We will try to solve one of the worst practices used on tests at any level: fixed/ha...
Learning Java after JavaScript
Learning Java after JavaScript, Enter First tech post! Some background: I took to learning web development after securing a spot at a coding fellowship in the end of 2020. It's bee...
Spring Boot One To Many Mapping Demo With H2 database
Spring Boot One To Many Mapping Demo With H2 database,There are three basic entity relationships:- One-to-One One-to-Many/Many-to-one Many-to-Many A Single post can have multiple c...
Yet Another Number Game
Yet Another Number Game, Statment Alice and Bob play the following game. They choose a number N to play with. The rules are as follows : 1) Alice plays first, and the two players a...
Fluent If-Else statements?
Fluent If-Else statements?,Some showerthoughts for the day: I think it would have been nice if languages support fluent conditional statements. So instead of if(condition) { someFu...
From Java to C++ – templates
From Java to C++ - templates, From Java to C++ (4 Part Series) 1 From Java to C++ - templates 2 From Java to C++ - copy&move semantics 3 From Java to C++ - inheritance 4 From J...
Tech Mahindra “Student Report” Recruitment Exam Question
Tech Mahindra 'Student Report' Recruitment Exam Question, Statement :- Given a list of N students, every student is marked for M subjects. Each student is denoted by an index value...
Set logback to different level for specific package
Set logback to different level for specific package,If I want to set log level for package com.foo.bar to TRACE I can use a system property logback.configurationFile to define path...
TechMahindra “Student Report”Coding Question
TechMahindra 'Student Report'Coding Question, Statement :- Given a list of N students, every student is marked for M subjects. Each student is denoted by an index value. Their teac...
Examples using FileReader and FileWriter to read and write plain text
Examples using FileReader and FileWriter to read and write plain text,This blog is to demonstrate a simple way to use IO stream FileReader and FileWriter. we can use FileReader to ...