Ganymede Kernel Released
Ganymede Kernel Released,Ganymede Kernel is released. The Ganymede Kernel is a Jupyter Notebook Java kernel based on JShell combined with an integrate...
A JDK 17+ alternative to using binary files in your Java tests
A JDK 17+ alternative to using binary files in your Java tests,What do you do when you require binary data to write a test? Say you are developing a pure Java Git implementation. Y...
How to reduce global invalidation traffic when using cache L2
How to reduce global invalidation traffic when using cache L2,L2 cache invalidation traffic across multiple nodes can be costly, and can reduce the performance of all nodes. In thi...
Golang for Java Developers – [ part 1, pt-BR ]
Golang for Java Developers - [ part 1, pt-BR ],O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar algumas Características da da linguagem Go a partir da perspectiva de um desenvolvedor Java. Para...
Left Veiw of Binary Tree
Left Veiw of Binary Tree, Binary Tree Learning (3 Part Series) 1 Left Veiw of Binary Tree 2 Inorder traversal of a binary tree 3 House robber III Given a Binary Tree, print Left vi...
Spring Boot WebSecurityConfiguration?
Spring Boot WebSecurityConfiguration?,Hello everyone! I'm a new developer learning the Spring Boot framework right now, and I'm at a really hard sticking point with authentication ...
Kadane’s Algorithm
Kadane's Algorithm, Important algorithms (3 Part Series) 1 Kadane's Algorithm 2 Knuth Morris Prat algorithm[Pattern Matching] 3 Rabin Karp (hashing) String pattern matching Kadane'...
Find Weather Path Exists GeeksForGeeks
Find Weather Path Exists GeeksForGeeks, Matrix DSA Problems (3 Part Series) 1 Find Weather Path Exists GeeksForGeeks 2 Rotting oranges 3 Grid unique path Given a grid of size n*n f...
Capture screenshot in Selenium for failing conditions using Java
Capture screenshot in Selenium for failing conditions using Java,We testers often do this task frequently, capturing evidence for failing test cases or conditions as screenshots or...
Interacting with AWS S3 using Spring Boot application
Interacting with AWS S3 using Spring Boot application,When it comes to storing objects (files, images..), there are multiple options to choose from. Should I go with keeping files ...
Count Palindrome Sub-Strings of a String GeeksForGeeks
Count Palindrome Sub-Strings of a String GeeksForGeeks, Dp Learnings (27 Part Series) 1 House Robber leetcode problem 2 Jump game leetcode problem ... 23 more parts... 3 Jump game ...
Maximum Sum Problem GeeksForGeeks
Maximum Sum Problem GeeksForGeeks, Dp Learnings (27 Part Series) 1 House Robber leetcode problem 2 Jump game leetcode problem ... 23 more parts... 3 Jump game II leetcode problem 4...