Getting new instance every time in Java Spring Boot
Getting new instance every time in Java Spring Boot,This is one of the ways to get a new instance of a type everytime we request for it from a singleton scoped instance. @Lookup In...
How to handle checked exception in the lambda expression
How to handle checked exception in the lambda expression,Lambda expression is all how we write code. It’s about how concise, smaller, and less boilerplate code we can write. Howev...
Object-Oriented Programming
Object-Oriented Programming,Object-oriented programming is a method of implementation in which programs are organized as cooperative collections of objects, each representing an in...
Java RPC Application with ActiveRPC library
Java RPC Application with ActiveRPC library, What is ActiveRPC? ActiveRPC is a lightweight and convenient Java library for developing high-load distributed applications and Memcach...
How Python Sees Variables
How Python Sees Variables, Becoming a Python Developer (6 Part Series) 1 Python: Preamble 2 The bare-bones of a Python program ... 2 more parts... 3 Python: Memory Management 4 Com...
Configure JPA on Quarkus.io
Configure JPA on Quarkus.io, Quarkus Tutorial (3 Part Series) 1 How to set up a REST API using Quarkus.io 2 Configure JPA on Quarkus.io 3 Using Bean Validation on Quarkus.io JPA is...
Host maven artifact in Github Repository
Host maven artifact in Github Repository,We often have some jar files or artifacts that needs to be imported via maven command. Sometimes few artifacts are not available in maven r...
Interview Prep: Implementing A Binary Tree
Interview Prep: Implementing A Binary Tree,Welcome back to interview prep. This week, we’ll build on last week’s intro to tree data structures and we’ll actually implement or bu...
Java String Pool
Java String Pool,We know in Java Strings are stored in the heap memory area. Inside this heap memory, there is a specific memory area called String Pool. When we create string prim...
Is learning maven essential for Java developers?
Is learning maven essential for Java developers?,I am wondering if maven and XML are essential to become a good java developer. I don't really like maven and prefer Gradle over it....
Java vs Python
Java vs Python,Originally Java was developed in 1995 by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems whereas Python was released in 1991 & created by Guido van Rossum. Few Comparison betw...
5 Best Beginner-Friendly Java Courses in 2021
5 Best Beginner-Friendly Java Courses in 2021,When you are at the very beginning of your path to Java programming, you may wonder where to start. First, I would recommend giving 80...