多数据源 ibatis.binding.BindingException Invalid bound statement
异常 本来 springboot 配置 mysql 配置正常,后来新加入了其他数据源,发现报错: org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Invalid bound statement (not found) 解决方案 多数据源配置下...
Distroless Alpine
Distroless Alpine,In my day job, we've been using Google's Distroless images for some time. The benefits of this are well known: smaller image and attack surface. However, what we ...
改善方案设置与配置参数达到标准化的统一,前期开发,直接把图片以数据流形式存储于数据库表中,随着图片上传越来越多,显示于出来时,效率与性能直接受到影响。 现在,只能把已经上传的图片,处...
Day 3 of #100daysofcode
Day 3 of #100daysofcode,I'm back to the board #2021 原文链接:Day 3 of #100daysofcode
背景 我们知道hashmap是一个线程不安全的数据结构,在多线程编程的时候,多个线程同时向hashmap中put元素的时候,会发生数据丢失。多线程put操作后,再get操作导致死循环。 多线程put非NULL元素...
27 Programming Youtube channels you should know
27 Programming Youtube channels you should know,You can learn anything on YouTube. Brad Traversy recently did a video on 20+ developer YouTube channels to follow. As an avid consum...
Anaconda与Python环境在Windows中的部署, 本文介绍在Win10电脑中,安装Anaconda环境与Python语言的方法。 在这里需要注意,本文介绍的方法是在电脑自身原本不含有Python的情况下进行的;...
Create A Full-Stack Java App Using Hilla
Create A Full-Stack Java App Using Hilla,I've recently come across Hilla, probably on Twitter, and decided to have a play around with it and find out what it does. This article wil...
Shift-left programming (rust as a case study)
Shift-left programming (rust as a case study),Shift-left programming is all about catching potential issues as early as possible in the software development lifecycle. If 'shift-le...
Day 26: Merge Sort
Day 26: Merge Sort, 100 Days of Code (48 Part Series) 1 Day 1: Two Sum 2 Day 2: Check Prime ... 44 more parts... 3 Day 3: Hex Colour 4 Day 4: Repeating Numbers 5 Day 5: Nearest Pri...
2018年6月,大三暑假进行时 上班之前,我提前跟家里人打过招呼了。 我说我已经拿到了实习的offer,明天就过去上班,离家里很近,月薪3500,我骑自行车过去就行。 家里人就说挺好的,让我骑个电...
Devoxx: a learner journey
Devoxx: a learner journey,I have attended the #devoxxma event which has been hosted in Agadir, a beautiful city of Morocco in the Atlantic Ocean. The main event consists of confere...