How to start with unit testing in Java: A complete introduction to JUnit 5
How to start with unit testing in Java: A complete introduction to JUnit 5,Hello Dev.to! In this post, I would like to focus on unit testing in Java with JUnit5 library. It introdu...
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container
Quarkus: Introduction of New Method for Quickly Launching Java applications on Container,Please refer to the article such kind of person who think that starting Java applications o...
Controlling the Time in Java
Controlling the Time in Java,Time is a tricky thing, it’s always changing. Having such moving parts into the codebase can be very annoying when testing, for instance. In this arti...
Use JFlex and Jacc Together
Use JFlex and Jacc Together, Just as JFlex generates lexers, Jacc generates parsers, but what’s the difference? A lexer can recognize words and a parser can recognize whole senten...
Meet JFlex
Meet JFlex, JFlex is a scanner generator for Java. A scanner generator will generate a scanner (a.k.a. lexer) for you instead of you having to write one yourself. JFlex is modeled ...
Use JFlex to Count Words
Use JFlex to Count Words, In the previous story we got to meet JFlex, a tool for generating lexers in Java. The example lexer was contrived, banal and not all that useful so let’s...
Trivia Kata: A Refactoring Story
Trivia Kata: A Refactoring Story,Refactoring a legacy code can be a tricky business. More often than not, the code is not tested, unclear and contains some bugs. If not planned, th...
IntelliJでプロパティのnative2ascii変換をEclipse互換にする, IntelliJとEclipseのnative2ascii変換の違い IntelliJではSettingsのFile EncodingsでTransparent native-to-ascii conversionを...
How to become a better Java Developer in 2025? [with Resources]
How to become a better Java Developer in 2025? [with Resources],Disclosure: This post includes affiliate links; I may receive compensation if you purchase products or services from...
Running Selenium Automation Tests Using Selenide, IntelliJ, And Maven
Running Selenium Automation Tests Using Selenide, IntelliJ, And Maven,There are a lot of tools in the market who uses Selenium as a base and create a wrapper on top of it for more ...
Ubuntu 18.04 install Java and Eclipse IDE
Ubuntu 18.04 install Java and Eclipse IDE, Requirements Download an JDK gz file. https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html Download Eclipse IDE installer ...
Setup of a Local Kubernetes and Istio Dev Environment
Setup of a Local Kubernetes and Istio Dev Environment,As developer I like to do as much development as possible locally, because it’s generally easier and faster to develop and de...