Java Garbage Collection Types and Settings
Java Garbage Collection Types and Settings,Performance and price are two big considerations in application hosting that always matter. And, often, we question ourselves on how to d...
Better dependency management in Android Studio 3.5 with Gradle buildSrcVersions
Better dependency management in Android Studio 3.5 with Gradle buildSrcVersions, The joy of Kotlin (20 Part Series) 1 How Kotlin makes editing your Gradle build less frustrating 2 ...
Debugging a Spring Boot App in Docker
Debugging a Spring Boot App in Docker,With the trending of containerizing applications, setting up your local environment is now easier than ever. Setup times can be reduced from h...
Vim/Vi tutorials For beginners
Vim/Vi tutorials For beginners,Most of the people tired off using Vim, and I do faced the same problem. But, in the actual case, it’s not a big deal. The thing is, we should under...
Pragmatism applied: Avoid single implementation interface
Pragmatism applied: Avoid single implementation interface,A long time ago (think 2000), all classes in Java used to have an interface. You first started with MyInterface then added...
Garbage collector in java
Garbage collector in java,Hello friends️ When we write code, Garbage Collector's job is to manage memory And objects we don't use Identifies them And ,free the trash This proces...
Paquetes en Java: qué son, para qué se utilizan, y cómo se usan (con vídeo)
Paquetes en Java: qué son, para qué se utilizan, y cómo se usan (con vídeo), Post original escrito por Franciso Charte en campusMVP Los paquetes son el mecanismo que usa Java p...
Map best practices
Map best practices,Today’s topic is about Map and misuses I’ve seen during many code reviews. The idea with a Map is to do whatever you need by doing as less hashing as possible....
A Token Management Implementation for Web API Authentication in Java
A Token Management Implementation for Web API Authentication in Java,This article studies an implementation of a synchronized process in Java that enables multiple threads to share...
A Better Explaination
A Better Explaination, Hello, again! Since my previous post on Snippet was vague, I decided to make a new one, describing what it is for and what possibilities it could have. A Des...
Microservices code coverage with Jacoco
Microservices code coverage with Jacoco,Frequent deployments is a huge step in Microservices architecture. If you have a suite of tests that run before every deployment and gives a...
Java WebSocket Programming with Android and Spring Boot
Java WebSocket Programming with Android and Spring Boot,The WebSocket protocol provides an always-on connection between a client and a server for bi-directional communication. This...